39 C
New Delhi


SHOCKING NEWS – Illegal Myanmar Nationals outnumber locals in 8 villages, claims Manipur MLA

BJP MLA Paolienlal Haokip, who is among the 10 Kuki-Zo MLAs behind the push for carving out a "separate administration" from Manipur, told NDTV that if the data quoted...

Massive embarrassment for USA in Khalistani Pannun ‘Killing Plot’ Case: Russia backs India, Czech Republic stays extradition of Indian National Nikhil Gupta

Russian Foreign Ministry has challenged US claims of Indian involvement in the foiled assassination plot against Khalistan terrorist...

Manipur initiates detection and dispatch of 5,457 illegal immigrants, Meanwhile Separatist Kuki-Zo Group cries foul in USA

The Manipur government has detected 5,457 illegal immigrants in a district in the state, and out of them,...

West Can Learn About Women Empowerment From the Hindu Philosophy

Women's rights, women's equality and women empowerment are hot topics. Western corporate sectors, government, NGOs and business schools...

Canadian police arrests 3 members of Lawrence Bishnoi Gang for killing of Khalistani Terrorist Nijjar; Will Canadian Govt apologize to India?

Canadian police said Friday that they have made three arrests in the slaying of a Khalistani Terrorist and...

कुत्रचित् पूजनम् कुत्रचित् शोथम् कुर्चकः जिन्ना: वा -संबित पात्रास्य गूर्ण भवति प्रमाणितम्, भवानपि पठतु ! कहीं पूजन कहीं सूजन व दाढ़ी वाला जिन्ना –...

आउट लुकस्य अनुसारम् बाबरी मस्जिद एकम् मस्जिद अस्ति अयम् च् सदैव एकम् निर्मितिष्यति - असदुद्दीन ओवैसी: आउट लुक के अनुसार बाबरी मस्जिद एक मस्जिद है...

Muhammad Faiz Khan, would your offering soil heal the wounds or rub salt into wounds of Hindus inflicted by invaders? No, secularism this time,...

Rahat Indori, Bollywood lyricist, claims, “सभी का खून है शामिल यहाँ की मिट्टी में, किसी के बाप का हिंदुस्तान थोड़े ही है” It means,...

Restrictions only on Hindu fest, will the MVA govt follow the Bombay HC ruling to have resrticted celebration of Bakra eid.

While there is an ongoing chaos and debate on celebrating Bakra Eid due to the increasing number of covid-19 cases in Mumbai,an order dated...

सम्प्रति प्रारम्भयते सोशल मीडिये भर्तस्कस्य क्रम: – राममन्दिरम् अब शुरू हुआ सोशल मीडिया पर धमकाने का सिलसिला – राममंदिर

केवलं भगवा ब्रिगेडस्य अनुसारम् केवल भगवा ब्रिगेड के अनुसार! इस लिंक से भगवा ब्रिगेड की पोस्ट देखें ! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=979598612478072&id=542485442856060 श्व एका मुस्लिम बालिका जैनब उम्मे कुलसुमायाः फेसबुक लेखम्...

Kerala…..’Conversion God’s own Country’

Kerala Government has an official advertisement campaign, which has a famous slogan, Kerala - God's own Country. We used to be amused by...

सनातन संस्कृति को मैला करता जहरीला वामपंथ

पेरियार ने सच्ची रामायण लिखी,,,, ????हिन्दू धर्म को कलंकित करने मे बहुत से लोगो ने जी तोङ कर मेहनत की है ।बहुत से बिके...