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New Delhi

Sreeram Manoj Kumar

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The ritual of Udupi Paryaya .

It is time for Udupi Paryaya now. Paryaya is a Kannada word which translates to “Alternative” in English but here it can be taken as...

Pitru Paksh, a time to revere our ancestors.

Pitru Paksha is the time when Hindus pay respect to their ancestors. It is considered a sacred ritual for Hindus as the scriptures mention...

Significance of Hindu marriage & Kanyadaan.

Marriage is not just a boy and a girl getting together to stay as husband and wife, it is an event where two families...

Moola Brindavana & Shri Raghavendra Swamy

Yesterday I stood before the Moola Brindavana of Sri Raghavendra Swamy fondly called “Rayaru” in Mantralaya, Andhra Pradesh, what a feel it was….unexplainable!!! Rayaru head...

Life experiences are best Life Therapist.

For those who are willing to change their attitude and mind-set life experiences is the best therapist. I think life experiences can facilitate empathetic...

The saga of The Birth of God Ganesha.

“She scrubbed her skin with Sandalwood paste, scraped off the dead cells, mixed it with turmeric and moulded a beautiful boy into which she...