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Tag: #MiddleEast


Want more proof Biden is a fulminating racist?

There is a Quad alliance of India-US-Australia-Japan which deals with affairs of Indo-pacific and was made as counterweight to hegemonical aspirations of China to...

Operation Allied Refuge,’: An effort to evacuate thousands of Afghan, who had assisted the US forces over the years during the war.

Last week, the Biden administration announced ‘Operation Allied Refuge,’ an effort to evacuate thousands of Afghan, who had assisted the US forces over the...

Will the President Mahmoud Abbas lose power to Hamas!

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly told the Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting on Saturday that he would not be silent...

Iran’s Presidential Elections & the rise of Hardliner Ebrahim Raisi.

Iran’s Presidential electionsIran’s 13th Presidential elections were held on June 18, 2021, contested by seven candidates - Saeed Jalili, Ebrahim Raisi, Alireza Zakani, Seyed...

Who wins and who loses in the Middle East?

The most important question may not be where President Biden stands after the Gaza skirmish. It is where the next President of the United...

The Folly of Hamas

the FOLLY OF HAMASIt was a confrontation waiting to happen, in a conflict zone, the world would rather ignore. Israelis and Palestinians have once again...