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New Delhi

Tag: #Maharashtra


Raj-neeti : Is it Hindutva or a new flip-flop politics ?

Maharashtra has two variants of Hindutva. First is the Bharat Mata Ki Jai and Jai Shree Ram variant, and second is the Jai Shivaji...

Thane : The growing threat of Land Jihad in the Mumbai Suburb.

First it was Jihad, then came Love Jihad which is an existential threat and now the emerging threat is Land Jihad, a new strategy...

Unrelenting Covid & Kerala Model : an Overhyped Media Creation Sans Substance

Kerala is once again in the news – this time not because of any good reason though! The southern state is contributing to around...

Is it end game for MVA in Maharashtra ?Will the car full of explosives lead to a political explosion?

We all think the entire crisis started with the gelatin sticks laden Scorpio outside Antilla - no, it started about a month before -...

Why is centre a silent spectator to Arnab’s arrest – on what Maharashtra govt is doing?

Instead of being angry on the MVA, some netizens are angry on BJP & are diverting anger from the atrocities of the MVA to...