The Delhi High Court on Wednesday has ordered YouTuber Shyam Meera Singh to take down his recent YouTube video on Sadhguru and Isha Foundation while also also banning him...
बॉलीवुडेन पूर्ण समाज एकीकृत अस्ति, युवा वंशेन गृहीत्वा बालकाः बुजुर्ग युवा च चित्रपटे नायक नायिका कृत अभिनयं वेशभूषास्य पश्यत्वा तेन अनुकरणम् कुर्वन्ति ! 80...
Indian Politics is unpredictable, anything and everything can happen in Indian Politics. If we are talking about Congress, then this is the only party...