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New Delhi

Tag: Imran Khan


Massive ‘Nationwide Riots’ after former PM Imran Khan’s arrest, is Pakistan going for another Military Coup?

Pakistani government has taken a shocking step on Tuesday, when they forcefully arrested the former prime minister Imran Khan, the leader of the largest...

Fall & Fall of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Pakistan is in deep trouble. It’s reaping what it had sown. For decades, it has exported terror to India, as a part of a...

Pakistan preferred Jihad and terror to vaccine during pandemic is what Jinnah had dreamt for a nation for Muslim

Pakistan is at war against itself. It is bleeding its own people, not to protect them from Covid-19, but to save Islam. It is...

After Pakistan admitted its role in Pulwama and how it released Abhinandan out of fear from PM Modi, would designer journalists and graceless leaders...

When Pakistan’s Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry, a close aide of Prime Minister Imran Khan, admitted,  हमने हिंदुस्तान को घूस के मारा (We hit India in their home), our success...

Would Pakistan and Turkey accept Muslim immigrants from other countries settled in France or continue to do only lip job to boycott French products?

How do you define absolute hypocrisy?  Self proclaimed custodians of Islam like Imran Khan and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are seething with rage to counter Islamophobia in non-Muslim countries specially...

कश्मीरे हिंदू बहुल प्रान्तरेषु आतंकी प्रहारानि कृतस्य अन्वेषणे पकिस्तानम् ! कश्मीर में हिंदू बहुल इलाकों में आतंकी हमले कराने की फिराक में पाकिस्तान !

प्रतीकात्मक चित्र जम्मू-कश्मीरे पकिस्तानस्य एकम् षड्यंत्रस्य च् रहस्यभेदनम् अभवत् ! कश्मीर प्रकरणे परितः तिरस्कृतम् भवस्य उपरांत पकिस्तान आतंकी प्रहारै: राज्ये सांप्रदायिकम् कलहम् उत्पन्नम् इच्छति !...