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Pakistan preferred Jihad and terror to vaccine during pandemic is what Jinnah had dreamt for a nation for Muslim


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Pakistan is at war against itself. It is bleeding its own people, not to protect them from Covid-19, but to save Islam. It is wounding, killing and abducting its own police and paramilitary forces, while attacking police stations. 

Violent protest by thousands of supporters of recently banned Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) have swarmed to paralyze almost every major city such as Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Multan and Peshawar since 12 April, when TLP leader Saad Hussain Rizwi was arrested in Lahore. Mere 26 years old Saad Rizwi had threatened civil unrest against Pakistan government, if it didn’t expel the French ambassador before 20 April, over cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in France last year. TLP supporters, armed with petrol bombs, indiscriminately assaulted security personnel, looted public properties, blocked highways leading to killing of dozen police officers injuring more than thousand police officers. 

What an irony it is! When almost every country on the world map is battling with Covid-19 pandemic to protect its citizens, Pakistan is fighting to save Islam.      

Already suffering from poor healthcare system, Pakistan is on warpath to save Islam during pandemic risking its entire population with Corona infection. Instead of protecting its citizens, Pakistan has carried on the legacy of “Two Nation Theory” given by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Jinnah—who had given the slogan of “we would either have a divided India or a destroyed India, declaring “Direct Action Day” on 16 August 1946—had proclaimed, “Muslims cannot co-exist with Hindus. He had a vision of a separate nation for Muslims, distinct from Hindus.   

Muslims, instantly responded to Jinnah’s call for “Direct Action Day” to slaughter Hindus and Sikhs to terrorize them to accept their demand of Pakistan. Muslims had gathered in huge numbers, equipped with Lathis, daggers and other weapons. More Muslims started coming to Calcutta by trucks with weapons. Their poster boys—Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, Former Prime Minister of Bengal and Khawaja Nazimuddin, Former Governor-General of Pakistan—shouted slogans of Mar-Ke-Lenge Pakistan, Le-Ke-Rahenge Paksitan, Nara-E-Takbir, Allah-U-Akbar, which incited them to go on rampage attacking Hindus, looting their shops, raping their women and butchering their men. Jinnah and his supporters had committed the bloodbath of thousands of innocent non-Muslims. 

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was not a Mullah in a cleric’s robe with a flowing beard, but he was a Scotch-drinking and ham sandwich eating modern leader, who presented himself as a defender of Islam. The idea behind Direct Action Day bloodbath was not only to terrorize them to agree for Pakistan in 1946, but to clear infidel Hindus (as they call Hindus), to gain 100% Muslim majority in Bengal. 

Success of Direct Action Day—loot, mass murder of Hindu men and rape of their women—induced Muslims to commit another bloodbath in Noakhali, (in Bangladesh now) which witnessed the worst anti Hindu Muslim riots, where entire Hindu population was nearly annihilated in October-November 1946. Perpetrators of Noakhali riots were Muslim National Guard, a militant organization associated with All India Muslim League. 

Carrying forward the legacy of Jinnah’s call to destroy infidels, Pakistan is close to reaching 100% Muslim majority after Hindus, Sikhs and other minorities were slaughtered, or they were forcefully converted to Islam.

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan—which was founded by Khadim Hussain Rizvi, father of Saad Hussain Rizwi on 1 August 2015 and banned on 15 April 2021—follows Barelvi sect of Islam or Sunni Islam. Mission of TLP, which has been demanding Sharia Law should be established as the fundamental law in Pakistan, is to protect honour of the Prophet. Huge numbers of TLP supporters crippled entire Pakistan tells the story that it has become a major political force. TLP came into prominence, when it violently protested against Pakistan’s Supreme Court’ verdict, which acquitted Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, who was sentenced to death on blasphemy charges. TLP had opposed the publication of cartoons of the Prophet in France and demanded expulsion of French ambassador and boycott of French products.   

Instead of dealing with iron hands with TLP, which took law in their hands and threatened the sovereignty of Pakistan by paralyzing it for days, the Imran Khan government gives the impression that it has surrendered before TLP. Pakistan has not only released Saad Hussain Rizvi, chief of TLP, but asked Pakistan’s National Assembly to vote on a resolution moved by Imran Khan government to expel the French ambassador.  

A country Pakistan was founded on the basis of Islam and to establish Islam. Pakistan doesn’t know till today if it is democratic or Islamic or dictatorial country. Pakistan is never known to invest in to improve industries, education, health or social economic fronts. They hated their own countrymen by calling them Ahmadiya, Bengali both of them were different sects of Islams, Hindu, Sikhs and Christian and systematically eliminated them. They Islamized education and the Army. Pakistan has used terrorism as state policy. They created Jihadi outfit to bleed Kashmir. 

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan is the consequence of the foundation on which Pakistan was formed. Why is Pakistan surprised if TLP is demanding Pakistan to be ruled by Sharia Law? Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan is the outcome of the dream Muhammad Ali Jinnah had seen. 

Raising their arms and waving their green flags, when TLP workers chanted “Labbaik, labbaik, labbaik ya Rasool Allah! “We stand, we stand, we stand with you, O Allah’s prophet! Hang them, hang them!” they reminded Jinnah, who had shouted, “we would either have a divided India or a destroyed India” they reminded Muslim League, who had shouted, “Mar-Ke-Lenge Pakistan, Le-Ke-Rahenge Paksitan, Nara-E-Takbir, Allah-U-Akbar.”


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