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New Delhi

Tag: #HinduCulture


No Bindi No Business – A Campaign against the liberal agenda of whitewashing the Hindu traditions.

The bindi worn by hindu women on their forehead, between the two eyebrows, is not a mere red dot – it is a symbolic...

Understanding the rituals practiced in Hindu marriages

Manyavar’s recent ad featuring Alia Bhatt demeans the Hindu marriage ritual of Kanyadan by claiming it objectifies women. In reality, no other marriage ceremony...

Pitru Paksh, a time to revere our ancestors.

Pitru Paksha is the time when Hindus pay respect to their ancestors. It is considered a sacred ritual for Hindus as the scriptures mention...

Significance of Hindu marriage & Kanyadaan.

Marriage is not just a boy and a girl getting together to stay as husband and wife, it is an event where two families...

Bharat is a country where WOMAN is worshipped in all forms throughout the year.

Some women keep asking me why I find wishing them on women's day trivial…..They think I am stretching the anti feminist stand t oo...