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Tag: #Hindu


The Saviour of Hinduism ,Guru Adi Shankracharya.

Sankara was an infant prodigy. The superior genius and the extraordinary intelligence were clearly sprouting in him even when he was a kid. This...

What Makes me a proud Sanatani

When I start to think why I am a Sanatani? I need to make clear about the word “I” which is used in the...

Navagrahas and their dhanya(food)

All forms of nature are believed to interact and influence one another, be they are of this earth, or of space. This interaction and...

Realise the spiritual power of innerself

Sit calmly in any place. Take a moment to pay attention to something. Rock, tree, hill, sky, building, anything that is in your sight....

Life lessons from Hanumanji

On Hanuman Jayanti , let’s learn some life lessons from HanumanjiHe is Vayuputra - the son of Vaayu - symbolises the power of the...

Lotus in Hinduism

Growth, purity, birth – some of the terms that one correctly hears when learning about the dharmic symbolic importance of the lotus.Lotus Flower is...