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Tag: #Tmc


Amit Shah Invades Mamtas Den ,Bhawanipore

Bhawanipore is a constituency from where Mamata Banerjee used to win until the last election. In last loksabha election BJP took lead from her...

Voter Cards Snatched. Voters Threatened in Kasba.Where is the Democracy in Bengal ?

Kolkata; 10th AprilRam Mohan Jha a resident of Kasba Vidhansabha, who had a voter card and wanted to participate in the festival of democracy...

Many asked why so much buzz about Nandigram?

The election result of Nandigram will decide the future of Bangladesh , Assam , West Bengal and Hindu Bengalis How? Moslems in India...

Political murders continue in West Bengal as Dead bodies of 2 Bjp workers found

2 Dead bodies found so far since morning.Bjp's workers body found hanging in front of his house…his family members are saying he has committed...

How Citizenship Amendment Act is going to benefit 3 Crore Matua Hindus !!

3 Crore Matua Hindus have been living in West Bengal without any citizenship rights, neither they got any land rights and consistently treated by...

One Bangla’r Meye is Dead while another projects herself as CM.

Shobha Majumder the 85 years old "Bangla'r nijer meye" (Bengal's own daughter) who was attacked by TMC workers a couple of weeks ago breathed...