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New Delhi

Tag: PM Modi


Another Bold Move by Modi Govt, POK Medical Degrees banned in India

How do you feel if we say that hundreds of doctors in Jammu and Kashmir have completed their Degrees in Pakistan? How do you feel...

राहत इंदौरी की सच्चाई, ओवैसी का साथ देकर CAA का विरोध किया परंतु पाकिस्तानी हिंदुओं पर होने वाले अत्याचार पर हमेशा चुप रहे।

राहत कुरैशी उर्फ़ राहत इन्दोरी का 11 अगस्त 2020 को निधन हो गया | एका एक लोगो द्वारा उनके कई शायरियां याद किये जानी...

Ram Mandir – Trunicle’s befitting reply to Anti-Hindu Journalist Arfa Khanum Sherwani

5th August is an auspicious date in the history of India for obvious reasons. Last year on 5th August, Modi Government revoked Article 370...

मुस्लिम नेतृणाम् राम मंदिरे विघटिते बचनम्, भवानपि पश्यानि अस्य धर्मनिर्पेक्षतस्य आन्तरिक रहस्यम् ! मुस्लिम नेताओं के राम मंदिर पर बिगड़े बोल, आप भी देखो...

यदापि कोSस्य पक्षे कार्यम् भवेत् तर्हि अयम् संविधानस्य वार्ताम् गृहित्वा सम्मुखम् आगच्छन्ति, अयम् तर्हि वयं संविधानम् अधिकारम् अददात्, तु यथैव हिन्दू पक्षे कश्चित कार्यम्...

India finally hits China and Pakistan, where it hurts the MOST !!

India has a traditional image of being a 'Soft State' for ages. We boast about the fact that India has never tried to attack...

An open letter to our PM Shri Narendra Modi

Dear Prime Minister of Bharat Shri Narendra Modi ji Saadar Pranam from all Bharatiyas. We are awaiting with bated breath the grand ‘Bhoomi Pujan’ and ‘Shilanyaas’...