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New Delhi

Tag: Pakistani Army


Balochistan’s Mach city and nearby areas are under BLA’s control, while Pakistani Army and ISI caught with their pants down

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed on Tuesday that it has taken control of Mach city and its surrounding areas for the past 15...

Former Afghan Spy, US bureaucrat, and US Military revealing Pakistan’s Dirty Role behind the rise of TALIBAN

Taliban has once again captured Afghanistan, and this time it was surprisingly easier than before. Shunning all intelligence inputs and theories, the Taliban was...

While there is a Civil war going on between the Pakistani Army and Police, Pakistanis are busy sending death threats to an Indian Lawyer...

Pakistan is in turmoil, once again. The kind of Civil war has erupted in Pakistan past a high-profile kidnapping of a police chief in...

कश्मीरे हिंदू बहुल प्रान्तरेषु आतंकी प्रहारानि कृतस्य अन्वेषणे पकिस्तानम् ! कश्मीर में हिंदू बहुल इलाकों में आतंकी हमले कराने की फिराक में पाकिस्तान !

प्रतीकात्मक चित्र जम्मू-कश्मीरे पकिस्तानस्य एकम् षड्यंत्रस्य च् रहस्यभेदनम् अभवत् ! कश्मीर प्रकरणे परितः तिरस्कृतम् भवस्य उपरांत पकिस्तान आतंकी प्रहारै: राज्ये सांप्रदायिकम् कलहम् उत्पन्नम् इच्छति !...

जो पाकिस्तान जम्मू कश्मीर को अपना हिस्सा मानता था अब उसे POK भी हाथ से जाने का डर, आखिर क्यों ?

एक वक्त था जब पाकिस्तान कश्मीर पर अपना दावा ठोक रहा था | अब हालत ये है कि PoK भी उसके हाथ से निकलना...

Massive Anti-China protests erupted in PoK against illegal construction of dams

It seems, problems for China are far from over anytime soon. The new anti Chinese front has been opened in its all weather friend...