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New Delhi

Tag: israel


No Human Rights for Muslims in countries like Yemen and Afghanistan, but Muslims want to wipe out Israel for human rights in Gaza

The Muslim protestors across the globe are outpouring their anger to convey that Israel is violating human rights by launching counter-offensive against Hamas in...

Israel has every right to protect itself against Palestinian Islamic aggression

Middle-East is once again on fire, as we are witnessing another round of clash between Israel and Palestine. Palestine's Hamas terrorist group has initiated...

After the USA’s fall to Islamist Left & Liberals, is Israel the Next in Line?

We have seen an unprecedented phenomenon in USA, when the entire Left Liberal and Islamist cabal came together and orchestrated a fall of President...

इज़राइल – एक सबक

एक फ़िल्म आई थी नाम था - गॉडज़िला, जो कि विशालकाय डायनोसोर के ऊपर बनी थी और इस फ़िल्म की पंचलाइन थी - Size...