Middle-East is once again on fire, as we are witnessing another round of clash between Israel and Palestine. Palestine’s Hamas terrorist group has initiated a volley of bombardments on various cities of Israel, which has created a tensed environment and confrontation is only rising as Israel’s response was ferocious and brutal to say the least.
The fresh round of violence has set off a wave of anger in Israeli Arabs, who have started protests in support of the Palestinians cause, which leads to unprecedented clashes with Jews, and destruction of many public and private property in several cities.
Root cause of current clashes
The current clashes were not a sudden reaction, but it was an outcome of a recent tussle between the Israeli Defence Force and Arab Muslims. The tensions were festering since the beginning of the month of Ramadan in April. Israeli Defence forces put some restrictions on gathering at a traditional Ramadan meeting place outside Jerusalem’s Old City, which caused the unrest.
However, those restrictions were soon lifted, though the protests were started by the people with vested interest. They provoked others by showing them threat of evictions of Palestinians from longtime homes in the eastern sector of the city that Israel captured from Jordan in 1967.
Here it is important to understand that Palestinians and most of the Islamic nations consider East Jerusalem occupied territory. The current conflict was unleashed by Palestine’s terror organization Hamas, on the pretext that Israeli police had entered the Al-Aqsa mosque to clear the rioters. This mosque is considered one of Islam’s holiest sites.

As expected, the issue was raised at the international forum as reacting to these clashes, US President Joe Biden said “My expectation and hope are that this will be closing down sooner than later,” US president Joe Biden told reporters at the White House. “But Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory.”
Israel has every right to protect itself
Well, this is correct that Israel has every right to protect itself and counter any attack on its civilian with full force. We must understand that this is not a battle between two equally legitimate countries.
The terror organization Hamas is certainly not a recognized state but it’s an Islamic terrorist organization, whereas Israel has been a recognized state since 1948. as Israel has been since 1948, but an Islamist terrorist organization. Hamas’s primary objective is the destruction of Israel, as they consider Israel as “the Zionist enemy”, as part of an apocalyptic struggle against Jews.

Hamas was founded in 1988 by the Muslim Brotherhood and its charter recommends armed jihad against Isreal to resolve the Palestinian problem. Hamas is officially declared a terrorist organization by the UK, the US, and the EU, along with many other states.
Hamas’s charter quotes a hadith in which Prophet Mohammed prophesies the annihilation of the Jews: “The Day of Judgement will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’”
Well, this charter is not only anti-Zionist but anti-Semitic as well. Hamas propagates all the conspiracy theories against Israel, claiming that Jews control the world media and all imperialist nations.
In 2017, Hamas issued the new manifesto, where it omitted most of the anti-Semitic content, but made it quite clear that its views on Israel are not going to change.
In the last three days, Hamas has fired more than 1,600 missiles at Israeli cities, with the sole objective to kill Israeli civilians, including Arab-Israelis. Such a blatant attack on the civilian population is considered as a War, and that’s why Israeli Defence Forces are retaliating and attacking on Hamas targets.

Hamas on the other hand, operates from the residential area, while using the Palestinian civilians as human shields, which is also a blatant violation of the international code of conduct and certainly a war crime.
These war crimes by Hamas usually get less or no international attention than retaliation by Israel. Israeli Defence Forces always ensure there is less or no collateral damage when they strike their target. Whereas Hamas makes no attempt to minimize civilian casualties, it shamelessly uses the images and videos of war victims to spread its propaganda and garner international support and funding. Such propaganda creates a hostile situation for Israeli civilians in the world, as it leads to many attacks on Jews in Britain and several other countries.

Israel has so far reacted with utmost patience and restrain, it has destroyed most of the rockets by its air defense system ‘Iron Dome’. Even after such a tense situation, Israel is orchestrating the attacks only on Hamas leaders and operatives. If we talk about the casualties on the Palestinian, then most are terrorists or terror supporters. Here we have to agree that Israel’s predicament is matchless amid such a gloomy situation.
Whatever steps Israel is taking, that is to defend itself from the brutal missile attacks from Hamas. These missiles are quite destructive in nature, and they could have created havoc if the Iron Dome system was not operating. Israel may have witnessed a massive death toll if it hadn’t had such a superior air defense system, such as the intensity of Hamas’s attack on them. At this point in time, every Israeli citizen is facing a death threat from an Islamic nation and a terror group in their backyard.
There is not an iota of doubt that Israel as a nation, has every right to protect its citizens against the Islamic aggression of Palestine and Hamas. Israeli Citizens have faced a lot in history, such as Holocaust, expulsion from Muslim countries, or persecution elsewhere. Hamas has waged a genocidal war against the Jews and they have every right to defend themselves in this existential war.