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Tag: #Hindutva


The Core Of Hindutva: Unity Resistance and Acceptance

India is an evolving civilization with its primary philosophical ideology of being all-inclusive. The idea of India existed before mere political borders drawn by the...

Where is Prophet of Freedom of Expression?

Cow is worshipped by Hindus. Still they slaughter it in the name of freedom of choice of food and secularism. India is the land...

Will Hindutva successfully manage to re-enter the land of its birth?

The word Hindutva was coined by a Bengali litterateur Chandranath Basu in his essay 'Hindutva or the Authentic History of the Hindus' (Hindutva ba...

The “Hindu Right Wing” opinion displays huge ideological diversity

Agree to DisagreeThe so called “Hindu Right” is not homogenous with a unitary thought process and ideological allegiance. What we see as the “Hindu...