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Tag: #hinduism


Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya: Shubh Diwali

There are two types of people in India. Rioters, who destroy properties in the name of Anti-CAA protests and orchestrate communal riots. So called...

Right Interpretation of Karma Yog by God Krishna

Every person on the planet wishes to learn life management to prosper in life, be happy, with peaceful mind, and get the clarity on...


The significance of Mahalaya lies on two counts:Firstly the day marks the end of Pitripaksha or the fortnight of the forefathers in heaven which...

Hindutva: Truth and Myth

Another name for Hinduism is Sanatan Sanskriti or Sanatan Dharma. The meaning of Sanatan is that one who always stands the test of time,...

Understanding Sanatan Dharma

A friend asked me this question recently. Sanatana Dharma is so vast; it has so many aspects. How to put it briefly? Let me try: Sanatana...

Pitru Paksh, a time to revere our ancestors.

Pitru Paksha is the time when Hindus pay respect to their ancestors. It is considered a sacred ritual for Hindus as the scriptures mention...