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New Delhi

Tag: #bharat


Bharat,Islamists & the stone pelting brigade

Islam & Stone pelting or RAJM RAJM is an arabic world for stone pelting or stonning the devil.This is a ritual followed in islam.RAJM co-occurs...

RSS: Swa Se Swarajya and Aatmanirbhar Bharat

Since its inception, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has adhered to Swami Vivekananda's principles. Swami Vivekananda's vision was to restore the nation's glory, and he...

Global Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora : An Initiative to recognize KP Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing

December 5,2021Congressional Reception of Indian Americans from the Kashmiri-Panditcommunity(For Release to the Press- Capitol Hill Event, December 2nd, 2021)Global Kashmiri Pandit Diaspora is hosting...

The Ashoka & PrithviRaj Syndrome

It's never about ideology, it is civilisation.And to put it on record this is why PM Modi faces a massive smear campaign from a...

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: A Nationalist Perspective

Two things went viral on the social media on 14th August 2021. An article by Adv. Ashok Bhan, Senior Advocate in Supreme Court of...

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: A Nationalist Perspective

Two things went viral on the social media on 14th August 2021. An article by Adv. Ashok Bhan, Senior Advocate in Supreme Court of...