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Hindutva For Global Good Conference 2021 concludes: Final Words


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Hindu Heritage Foundation of America has successfully hosted the Hindutva for Global Good conference that featured renowned Hindu scholars and Intellectuals. The objective of this unique conference was to educate people about grave misconceptions about Hinduism and Hindutva, which have been the most misunderstood terms due to forged and distorted perceptions created by people with vested interests.

We have seen coordinated and concerted efforts by politically and theologically motivated quarters to create a divide between Hindutva and Hinduism. This all started with a global smear campaign against Hinduism known as ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva‘. This conference gave a pious and robust platform to several eminent speakers from all walks of life to discuss several pertinent issues and devise a strategy to counter such ideological and theological attacks on Hinduism.

Our eminent speakers helped us embark on an exceptional journey of rediscovering the method of life illuminated by the ancient religion of the world – Hinduism. Here is a glimpse of the vast discussion that took place in the last 3 days.

Sat Parashar Ji initiated the conference and set the expectations of the viewers and said that fads and fashion may come and go, only functional, rational, and scientific religion and thought process of Hinduism and Hindutva is able to survive.

Prof. Sujata Tripathi gave an important insight on Hindutva and Hinduism, she throw more light on the origin of Hinduism, its ideology, and identity. Hinduism embodies a collective experience of universal principles of truth and spiritualism.

Prof Sangit Kumar Ragi explained the core principles of Hindu nationalism and gave references from Vedas to explain the ideology of Hindutva and how it is shaping our nation from ancient times. He called India a land of Salvation, Immensuration, liberation.

Pranay Kumar illustrated the common misconceptions and the reality to counter them. He debunked the claim that Hindus were enslaved for 1000 years, in reality, the Hindus were constantly struggling for their Dharma and Identity for all these years, and whenever Hindus got an opportunity, they dethroned the infiltrators.

Ratan Sharda Ji explained how Hinduism is the only religion that says that my God is True and yours is True too. He spoke about how other religions capitalism and communism mercilessly exploited nature, which led to climate changes and several other hazards, whereas Hinduism believes in preserving nature and spread peace.

Assoc. Prof Chandan Upadhyay explained how Hindutva is the most abused word due to its wrong interpretations. We need to discard the definition of Hindutva mentioned in the western dictionaries. He provided a deep insight into the stark contrast between the ideology of Hindutva and other religions.

Sandeep Singh gave a rousing speech, he said that Hindus have picked up the Gauntlet, a conference will be met with a better conference, a hate speech will be answered with the more powerful and better speech, an anti-Hindu article will be countered with a factual article and so on so forth.

Milind Sathye Ji explained how the British propagated lies about the Hindu religion and spread various propaganda to mislead the Indian people. He explained how foreign powers were ruling India via their proxies, and once a true Hindu government assumed the charge in 2014, the propaganda was intensified. We must have a strong framework to counter such propaganda effectively.

Aditya Satsangi Ji put forth several unknown facts about Hinduism. He revealed that ancient Greek culture was directly derived from Sanskrit, and Native Greeks were strongly connected with Hinduism. He explained how some Hindus migrated to American land via Bering Strait. Before the Islamic and Christian eras, there was only Hindu culture existed, which propagated a peaceful lifestyle where Humans and Animals used to co-exist with harmony.

Awanish Kumar Singh Ji spoke about the origins of Hindutva, how our Sages defined the principle of Hindutva. How Hinduism believes that every living being has a single origin, how followers of Sanatana Dharma were known for their principles, values, and Ethics. He also explained how Santana Dharma’s principles are relevant even today, and how scientific they are right from the beginning.

Mini Srivastava Ji explained the term ‘Sanatan Dharma’, Where Sanatan is ‘Eternal’ and Dharma is ‘most integral characteristic of someone, if that is taken away then he/she will cease to exist. Dharma could be of an Object or an Individual, and the characteristics could be Spiritual or Material in nature.

Dr. K Parameswaran explained various aspects such as secular, democratic, social and republic elements we speak about in the Indian constitution have been part of Hinduism culture, ethos, values, and practices for thousands of years. He also explained several aspects of Hinduism which complement modern law and justice practices.

Pankaj Jayswal – He talked about the importance of Vedic and Ancient Hindu knowledge and its relevance in the modern world. He gave a deep insight into our Vedic knowledge system and how it can shape our world towards betterment.

Jolene Raison – She spoke on a very interesting topic of Hindus’ relationship with Deities. She explained how Bhagwan Shiva has been conceptualized as a guide on a life journey and how a devotee can have such a pleasant relationship with their Deities.

Purnima Nath spoke about the lack of information in western countries about Hindus, for them, Hindus are oppressive, superstitious, regressive, extremist, and uncivilized. She talk at length about the propaganda against Hindus and suggested valuable strategies to debunk this biased propaganda against Hindus.

Shantanu Gupta – He explained the challenges Hinduism is witnessing for ages, and they are undergone constant attacks for all this while and enduring it strongly. He talked about the importance of keep upgrading ourselves to counter the challenges we are facing.

Dipan Mitra spoke about the challenges Hindu faced during Indian Independence and then 1971’s war and how Hindus were oppressed under the Islamic government, and still able to preserve their sanctity and pride.

Dr. Omendra Ratnu Ji gave an in-depth analysis of the condition of Hindus in hostile countries, especially our Islamic neighbors such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. He shared some first-hand experiences of Hindus, who are still able to preserve their Dharma and still showing exceptional endurance in such a hostile environment.

Rohan Agarwal Ji spoke about the impact of Hinduism on Japanese people and how it has shaped the culture and history of Japan in a positive way. This was an extremely interesting topic, as not many people know about the contribution of Hinduism in Japan.

The next speaker was Swami Satchidananda Ji, who is a renowned religious Guru and follows the lineage of Shri Shankaracharya Ji and his Satguru Swami Sivananda. He shared some valuable insights about the reverence Hinduism has gained over a period of time, and how it is influencing people from all walks of life. Swami Ji is focused on Vedanta and he is setting up a Ved pathshala for the perpetuation of Vedas.

In the end, Dr. Sat Parashar gave the concluding remarks which embark the conclusion of this conference.

We are elated that 25 renowned Partners organizations joined hands to orchestrate such a successful conference. We would like to thank our esteemed supporting organizations.

  • Subhash Chandra Bose Institute of  Higher Education, India
  • Bhishma School of Indic Studies, India
  • Hindu Council of Australia
  • Hindu Ecosystem
  • National Institute of Mass Communication & Journalism, Ahmedabad (Affiliated to Gujarat University)
  • Yog Sadhana Ashram, Chicago, USA
  • Bharatiya Vichar Manch
  • Yog Sadhana Ashram, Chicago, USA
  • Vidya Bharati Alumni Association
  • World Hindu Federation

We would also convey high regards to our Media partners, who helped us to reach wider audiences via their esteemed platforms.

  • Trunicle.com
  • Kreately.in
  • MyInd.net
  • ReachIndia
  • Sangam
  • SMaRT
  • Voice of Bharat
  • TV Asia
  • The Jaipur Dialogues
  • OTT India

Last but not the least, we would like to say a big thanks to all our viewers who have participated in this virtual conference and supported this noble cause.



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