30.1 C
New Delhi


Surrender is a Sign of Strength

Zelensky's surrender would be a sign of commonsense.

PM Modi warns about Congress’s EVIL ‘Wealth Redistribution to the Infiltrators’ idea, Why this idea will bring Doomsday for India?

A day after he triggered a political backlash by saying that a Congress government would distribute the nation’s...

PM Modi dropped a Political Bombshell, says ‘Congress will redistribute wealth to Muslim Infiltrators’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on April 21, dropped a Political bombshell, when he asserted that if the Congress...

Rohingya Terrorist groups holding over 1600 Hindus and 120 Buddhists hostage in Myanmar

In what seems to echo the 2017 massacre of Hindus by Rohingya terror groups in Myanmar's Rakhine state,...

Palghar Mob Lynching – ‘Hindu Hater’ Rahul Gandhi blocked the CBI probe proposed by Uddhav Thackeray Govt

Raking up the April 2020 Palghar mob lynching incident, in which two Sadhus and their driver were killed...

छत्तीसगढ़स्य सुकमायाम् आईईडी इति विस्फोटम् ! छत्तीसगढ़ के सुकमा में IED विस्फोट !

केवल प्रतीक चित्रम् छत्तीसगढ़स्य सुकमा जनपदे नक्सलै: केंद्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल (सीआरपीएफ) इत्यस्य कोबरा २०६ टुकड़ीयाः युवानि एकदा पुनः लक्ष्यम् अलक्ष्यत् ! छत्तीसगढ़ के सुकमा जिले...

Love Jihad in Bhopal: Salman becomes ‘Umesh’, married a Hindu girl, and now pressurizing for Conversion

In recent times, we have seen a surge in the Love Jihad cases across the nation. Muslim boys hide their real identity and dupe...

Why Thanksgiving Day is always on a Thursday

The first 132 pilgrims and crew that arrived aboard the May Flower in the summer of 1620 were Puritans. After surviving the harsh winter...

गुप्तमार्गेण अवैधप्रवेशस्य प्रयत्नम् करोति अतंकिम्-सैन्यप्रमुख: एमएम नरवणे: ! सुरंगों के द्वारा घुसपैठ की कोशिश कर रहे आतंकी- सेना प्रमुख एमएम नरवणे !

फोटो साभार ANI पूर्वी लद्दाखे वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखायाम् चिनेन कलहम् पश्चिमे च् पकिस्तानेन अतंकिम् अवैधप्रवेशस्य संकटानां मध्य सैन्यप्रमुखः एमएम नरवणे: अचेतयत् तत आतंकम् सम्प्रति अपि...

“I am not OKAY…”

Welcome to the 21st Century. 🌎 Here haters are free, and love costs. Here, to lose your phone is worse than losing your values. Where...

इस्लामिक देशानां ओआईसी संगठने भारतस्य विजयम् ! इस्लामिक देशों के OIC संगठन में भारत की जीत !

कश्मीर प्रकरणम् गृहित्वा इस्लामिक देशानां संगठन ओआईसी इति एकदा पुनः पकिस्तानम् क्षतिम् अददात् ! शुक्रवासरेण नाइजरस्य राजधानी निमये आयोजितम् इस्लामिक सहयोग संगठनस्य (ओआईसी) विदेश...