30.1 C
New Delhi


Another Hindu temple vandalized in Canada with Anti-India Grafitti & Khalistan referendum posters

A Hindu temple in Canada's Edmonton was defaced with anti-India graffiti on Monday. The BAPS Swaminarayan Temple was targeted early this morning, the Hindu American Foundation said, adding that...

Trump Assassination Attempt – US Presidential Elections will change dramatically

Donald Trump survived a weekend assassination attempt days before he is due to accept the formal Republican presidential...

PM Modi’s visit to Russia – Why West is so Worried and Disappointed?

The event of Russian President Vladimir Putin giving royal treatment to Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his two...

An open letter to Rahul Gandhi from an Armed Forces veteran

Mr Rahul Gandhi ji, Heartiest Congratulations on assuming the post of Leader of the Opposition in Parliament (LOP). This...

Shocking Win for Left Wing – What Lies ahead for France?

France's far-right National Rally was widely expected to win this snap election, but instead they were beaten into...

आगतः ज्ञायन्ति ताजमहलस्य इतिहासम्, सत येन गोप्यत् ! आइये जानते हैं ताजमहल का इतिहास, सच जिसे छिपाया गया !

इदम् लेखम् श्री पुरुषोत्तम नागेश ओकस्य अनुसंधाने आधारितः अस्ति ! यह लेख श्री पुरुषोत्तम नागेश ओक के अनुसंधान पर आधारित है ! इतिहासे अपाठ्यते तत ताजमहलस्य...

Cleaning the Bollywood of Jihadi forces and Decentralization thereof

The decay in Bollywood had started way back in 1984 with Haji Mastan, a notorious smuggler entering politics and then infiltrating Bollywood. He was...

अगर कांग्रेस का संप्रदायिक हिंसा बिल कानून बन जाता तो बंगलुरू में मुस्लिम दंगाई आज़ाद घूमते और हिन्दू जेल...

कर्नाटक की राजधानी बेंगलुरू में 11 अगस्त की रात भारी हिंसा हुई। इस दौरान हालात को काबू करने के लिए पुलिस को फायरिंग भी...

On Independence Day, let’s not forget wound and pain given by Aligarh Muslim University, its hero Jinnah and Direct Action Day to the nation

Mention of Mohammad Ali Jinnah brings back the memory of gruesome massacre of “Direct Action Day” in 1946 and subsequently bloodied history of partition...

भाजपा सांसद सुब्रत पाठक: समाजवादी दलम् अददात् सुतिक्त उत्तरम् ! भाजपा सांसद सुब्रत पाठक ने समाजवादी पार्टी को दिया करारा जवाब !

परशुराम मूर्ति स्थापने समाजवादी दलस्य ब्राह्मण प्रेमस्य प्रतोलीम् ! परशुराम मूर्ति लगाने पर समाज वादी पार्टी के ब्राह्मण प्रेम की खोली पोल ! अस्य देशस्य ब्राह्मणं...

बैंगलोर प्रसंगम् किं, कास्ति पूर्ण प्रकरणम् ? बैंगलोर घटना क्यों, क्या है पूरा प्रकरण ?

बैंग्लोरे आरक्षक कार्यालयम् कांग्रेस विधायक श्री निवास मूर्तिस्य आवासे च् अभवत् प्रहारस्य ज्ञानम् भवताम् मिलन्ति, अस्य प्रहारस्य च् कारणस्य ज्ञानमपि भवताम् टी वी इत्यस्य...