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7 Simple Steps To Elevate Your Relationship To the Next Level


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Healthy Relationship
The moment we come into this world ,we are surrounded by different relations. The very first relationship we build with is our mother & then we get connected to father, grandfathers, grandmothers, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. As we grow we create relationships with friends, neighbors , colleagues etc. The best feeling in the world is to love & to be loved. These relationships help us to become the best version of ourselves. when we have a healthy relationship with our near and dear ones, we will grow beautifully in every aspect of our life, be it emotionally, physically or spiritually.
At any time of our life if we have had a bad relation with anyone then we start having problems. The reason is simple that one bad relation affects all the aspects of life and as a result we create negativity around ourselves. Relationship is not a materialistic thing that we can purchase from a market. It is like sapling to which we need to care , nurture & cultivate to get the sweet fruit.

We all want to enrich the quality of our relationships, so there are 7 easy steps with the help of which we can elevate our relationship to next level.

Appreciation: Appreciation is the backbone of any relationship. when we appreciate someone or if we get appreciated by others it creates positive vibes all around and strengthens the bond of relationship. It make people feel honored, treasured & special. Everyone is unique & when we appreciate someone they feel more valuable and this motivates and encourages them to continue their actions. As a human we need appreciation, reassurance and recognition for the efforts that we make. With kind words show your appreciation. With your positive words you give happiness, prevent trouble, provide encouragement, protect life and calm anger of others. People tend to devalue their relationship when they feel that they are not being valued. Make appreciating others your priority.

Appreciation live as a part of recognition, respect & benevolence. We create a stronger family, social & professional network& advance in our career by appreciating others. Appreciation is characterized by attention, interest, friendliness & devotion. It takes only a couple of minutes of effort to spread the goodwill around but the effects create ripples and become huge. When you start appreciating you see a great improvement in your relationship and your life becomes richer, full of colours, more satisfying ,& also you find yourself much happier.

COMMUNICATION: Communication acts as the base of all relationship. One of the most important part & success of any relationship Depends on communication. Communication is like a door, if you or someone else stops communicating then you are closing the door and there is no chance of future communication. We share our happiness, Sorrow, experiences Through communication. Bad or no communication can ruin your good relationship. Communication is about expressing Your feelings with words.

During communication your tone and the words matters a lot. If you are angry and you raise your tone at the opposite person then you damage your relationship with that person. Good communication helps you make friends easily. Most important part of communication is listening. It’s like to be in traffic, you should also listen to others and put yourself in their shoes to understand them. Reasons for Most of the bad relationships are either you don’t express yourself or you don’t listen properly to the other person which results, in misunderstanding them. If you have any differences with anyone then talk to the person, try to know the root cause of the problem and resolve it. The conflict in any relationship rises because of not being able to communicate with one another. If you do not like the way people have done something and you want them not to repeat it again, then you have to tell them. Otherwise, they won’t know what you feel. keep in mind that No one is a mind reader. So be a good communicator by expressing yourself well and listening attentively.

RESPECT: Respect in a relationship means that you are accepting a person for who they are. Respect helps us to build the feeling of safety, trust& wellbeing. When you respect a person, you accept the person for their sweet and bitter. With acceptance you learn to adjust with other systems. It is very difficult to be patient in a relationship but respect teaches us to be patient, not only towards others but also towards oneself. When you have respect in your relationship, you know your limits and you won’t even think about hurtful actions of cheating others. In every relationship there are ups and downs, good and bad times, but with patience, trust and love you can enrich respect. Regardless of age, gender, race, beliefs etc., everyone deserves respect, so try to make respect as an integral part of life & relationship.

BLAME GAME: To quote Dr Robert Anthony “when you blame others, you give up the power to change yourself”. When something goes wrong, our first instinct is to blame others. It is very easy to place blames on others even if it’s not entirely their fault. Blaming is a very unhealthy communication style and sometimes it leads to fighting, arguing, and bringing all past arguments into the current one. So, whenever you feel that you are blamed for something, go to the root cause of what makes you think the other person feels the need to blame you. Clear all the doubts. When you clear your doubts then you come to know either he has misunderstood you or you might have done some mistake. It’s a win-win situation. It is always easier to find faults in others whereas it hard to take responsibility. Taking responsibility always creates trust and dependability. Taking responsibility for your behaviour shows your willingness to be honest. We can spend a lifetime by blaming others, but our failure and success are our own responsibility. We inspire others to be responsible for their own actions by taking responsibility for the errors we make.

FORGIVENESS: It is rightly said by someone that forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it does change the future. We are humans and so we make mistakes. We all have been wrong at some point of time in our lives. No one can say that they have not made mistakes in their life. When we make mistakes we forget that forgiveness can help us to neutralise our resentment and anger. Instead when we are hurt by someone, we never forgive and we lose our relationship. When we don’t forgive it means that we hold grudges and relive the painful moments again, which affect our present life and become an obstacle for success. Forgiveness is the only way to overcome all the obstacles in life.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the other person was right and you were wrong but it helps you to become more alert and cautious in your life. When we forgive we see positive vibes on our side. Forgiveness allows us to move on without contempt, anger or seeking revenge and help us in our growth and happiness. When you embrace forgiveness You embrace peace, joy, hope and gratitude. Forgiveness can lead you down to the path of spiritual, emotional and physical wellbeing. It is not necessary that the other person will compulsorily change by your forgiveness but it will definitely change your life. Always remember that you can’t force someone to forgive you, they need to move to Forgiveness in their own time. No matter whatever happens you should commit yourself to treat others with compassion, empathy and respect.

Every moment of our life without trust becomes a nightmare and it becomes difficult to grow in any relationship. Without trust our relationship becomes dysfunctional and chaotic. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. It is always a two-way traffic. Whenever someone tries to break the rule, relationship pays the fine. Trust gives the reassurance that you are safe, secure and will be able to overcome all the problems in your life. Trust works as a binding factor for all the differences and cracks in a relationship. It is the key to a long-lasting relationship. Trust does not need justification and it gives personal time and space. Things start getting ugly when excitement and love are replaced with fear and doubt. Trust has to be earned, it cannot be demanded which take effort and time to build. So never break one’s trust. To grow in relationship we have be honest, open and trustworthy. In any relationship when someone proves to be trustworthy, then re-value your relationship. Every relationship has challenges and issues but the key is to proactively address the issue and find solution. When both sides are committed on the process of rebuilding trust, then you will find that it come out stronger than before.

EGO: Ego is a relationship destroyer. Always be careful and don’t allow it to come between your relationship. Disagreement, argument differences of opinion and misunderstandings always rise in a relationship. Instead of holding it and bottling up the frustration inside, you need to look at the moment and let it go. When ego takes over, by holding a grudge one tends to make a mountain of a molehill. Sometimes we think that we are better and smart enough to even listen or learn from others. Ego not only pushes people away from you but it also stops you from growing. It kills your happiness, makes you irrational, and critical and blocks love from coming into your life. The best thing that you can do is to get control of your ego which will elevate your relationship, career and your life. You can let go ego by practising forgiveness, honesty & being open. Enjoy giving without having any expectations to receive. When u drop your ego, you have nothing to lose but a whole life to win.

A healthy relationship is an important component for having a happy life. use the above tips to have a flourishing & strong relationship.

Sangeeta is a Motivational Speaker, Relationship Management coach, Personality development Trainer and a Meditation Practitioner. Sangeeta believes that each person has a special quality and with proper guidance and polishing one can achieve success in life. Sangeeta is a go-getter with a never say die attitude. This quality of hers ensures all her training sessions and workshops are dynamic, interactive, result- oriented and add value to an individual. Her consistent pursuit of knowledge inspires and encourages people to realize their entire inner potential and ensures positive transformation in them. Being a commerce graduate with her specialization in Finance and Economics, Sangeeta is fascinated and excited about economical and socio-political atmosphere and take keen interest in understanding and discussing government policies, attend seminars and group discussions. Her liberal and scientific view point on religion and Spirituality is extra ordinary and she has a very clear blend of both traditional and modernized approach to current problems of the society. She was not satisfied with her bachelors and wanted to learn more hence she pursued M.A in science of living and achieved her Masters in flying colors. Not only she is an eloquent speaker but she has also stepped her foot in the field of modelling and acting. Sangeeta is a trained RJ and an excellent story teller and bidirectional communicator which make her unique and at the same time she is an inspiration to many. Her trademark is “Whatever u give, will Multiply and come back to U.”


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