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Will the incumbent President Joe Biden be the slave of Chinese Communist Party Politburo ?


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Will the incumbent President Joe Biden be the slave of Chinese Communist Party Politburo ?On January 20th 2021 the world media went gaga over swearing in ceremony of Joe Biden as 46th President of United States of America pledging new path for the nation & usher in new era of progress. He promised to promote peace and participate in global efforts to eradicate COVID19.

With one week since US President Joe Biden assumed office he has signed executive orders to undo Donald Trump key policies. And in the name to reestablish United States of America as global leader of free world, Biden policies seemingly seems to benefit its number one adversary China. This is puzzling as the lab engineered Chinese cultivated Wuhan virus is responsible for death of 400,000 Americans and rising with every hour.

Joe Biden will go soft on China in the name to focus on domestic issues to fight pandemic and initiate to carry his socialist policies going forward. Surprisingly the Chinese celebrated the election victory of Biden and they are hoping the trade sanctions would be eased in the Biden regime. In the process of undoing Trump legacy the Biden Administration is compromising national interest of America by allowing Chinese investment in its power systems which are extraordinary threat to the country’s national security, foreign policy and economy. The ban on buying national electric-grid systems, such as power transformers from China, for their low prices is likely to be lifted in coming days leaving the American power grid vulnerable to cyber attacks. And not to mention around 200 Chinese large power transformers have entered the U.S. energy system.

And similarly Chinese international telecommunications supplier and phone manufacturer, Huawei, ZTE were banned by the Trump Administration from supplying network equipments to US companies. And going further India, Japan along with Australia, Israel and United States Known as (QUAD+) are working together in development of next generation 5G and 5G technologies. All this is likely to be put in cold storage in the Biden Administration. And the inter governmental organization European Union have signed the deal with China on Comprehensive Agreement on Investment after sensing weak leadership in The White House. And most likely the cheap Chinese network equipment might help EU to strike reconciliatory approach towards Huawei 5G and allow it in the network infrastructure of the continent. Nothing is ruled out as the Biden administration have removed China from the list of strategic threat in its foreign policy website as well.

The United States seems to lose allies rapidly in the Biden Administration. The Chinese have upped the ante and testing the nerves of new Biden administration by attacking Indian post in North Sikkim and large scale incursion of Chinese fighter aircrafts in Taiwaneese air space for second consecutive days. And few days back it authorized coast guard to fire on foreign vessels in contested seas in South China Sea & East China Sea. And China has stepped the ante to control water bodies to displace United States as dominant power in the Indo Pacific region.

And the reason for Biden going soft on China is evident due to CCP threatening to start investigations against Hunter Biden business links in China which is alleged to have violated tax and money laundering laws. The Biden administration has gone on the wrong foot in trying to reverse Trump policy. In its quest to statisfy the growing lust of “Military Industrial Complex” it is contemplating to initiate the nuclear treaty signed with Iran in 2015 and reviewing the peace agreement signed with Taliban with the Trump administration.

The socialist agenda of Biden Administration seems to hurt Americans and America most. Around 10 million Americans are out of work and 11 million are offered a pathway to citizenship, where a pandemic rages and untested migrants welcomed. Also he has halted the construction 430 miles of border wall with Mexico and stopped deportation of illegal immigrants including criminals residing in the country for next 100 days. The Joe Biden administration have also stopped energy exploration in federal land in New Mexico, which will have catastrophic consequences on the economy of the state.The Keystone 1,700-mile (2,735-kilometer) oil pipeline was revoked by Biden citing carbon emissions in his first day of office. Biden decision to join the Biden Paris climate accord will cost 400,000 American manufacturing jobs to the Chinese.

And after China banned 28 top officials serving Trump Administration, Biden did not bother to retaliate. The Big Oligarchy Tech Tyrants are censuring free speech and imposing restrictions on social media accounts of former President Donald Trump with the aim of limiting his interaction with his supporters through their medium.

The socialist policies of Biden will ruin the country similar to what the Left front rule did in its 34 years rule in West Bengal. The Indian state suffered heavily under the Marxist Communist Party (CPM) with Industry gone downhill to the drains & farm growth suffering due to relentless protest, strikes, lawlessness created by party in power ruling the state.Member of Parliament & Top Constitutional reformist Ashwini Upadhyay has stated there are around 5 crores illegal Bangladeshi immigrants settled in West Bengal, Assam & other parts of India. Biden is enacting the similar template to destroy American supremacy and caving in front of Chinese Communist Politburo. And it seems that Biden along with Nancy Pelosi is working to impeach Donald Trump second time for the attack on Capitol Hill accusing former President of inciting violence and turning deaf ear and blind eye on the trail of destruction done by ANTIFA supporters in the BLM movement last summer which left 700 cops injured.

The Biden Administration is scared of Donald Trump popularity among men in uniform and now officers guarding the President are being vetted by FBI. The Biden administration is working like Left government intimidating the majority and demonizing them as white supremacist and appeasing minorities as he had lifted travel ban from Muslim countries imposed by Trump. The first seven days of Biden administration have been disaster and the weak old President Joe Biden is reported to be suffering from dementia and will bow down to whims and fancies of CCP Politburo effectively making him glorified undeclared slave of China in The White House.

Everybody has an opinion. Do they, however, truly matter? These days, blending various viewpoints has resulted in the development of hazardous concoctions of perspectives. The true goal, however, was to cultivate serious intellectual revolutions that would influence the people and create a community that might affect global change. About Umesh Agarwal Umesh Agarwal, a conscientious Indian citizen active in media and volunteer work, thinks that young people in India need to become more aware of both spoken and unsaid global events. An entrepreneur by trade, a commerce graduate by education, and a veteran of the information technology three-tier architecture industry, He has made it his mission to increase public understanding of global current affairs, macro and microeconomics, heritage, international relations, history, and economic affairs. He is a renowned geopolitical expert, visionary, and astute opinion leader. He is passionate about analysing current events and reporting on them in a variety of international publications, including Trunicle, USApolitico, Keatley, and BharatVoice. Many of his writings went viral and attracted the attention of international celebrities who commented on them. VISION Umesh queries, "Is it easy to be vocal and politically opinionated with numerous avenues of information like print media, live websites, and interactions on social media. But the crucial query is: Are we expanding our thinking? Can we uncover facts buried in layers? Are we capable of fully comprehending the political game of cards?” He frequently states that In today’s capitalist society, if we don't teach the next generation how to protect themselves from the tragedies of bureaucratic conspiracies, they might never learn to protect themselves and make big decisions. VOLUNTEERING WORK Along with his involvement with numerous charitable organisations, he had managed multispecialty day care diagnostic and cancer detection centres that serve more than 100,000 people in Chennai. Having participated in numerous humanitarian and social organisations as a contributor. INDIACHRONICLE With the vision of promoting transparency and empowering the youth , he has launched a mediahouse- IndiaChronicle.in, a new centrist journal designed to promote educated debate and offer insightful information on the many areas that influence our society. India Chronicle seeks to fill in the gaps in public conversation by offering a fair-minded and complex viewpoint on important topics. Our readership is made up of a diverse group of people, including decision-makers, academics, workers, and active citizens who seek insightful information. Its time that we think of the persistent little contributions that make us a more responsible individual and a global citizen. Follow on Email : ukagarwal@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ukagarwal Twitter : https://twitter.com/ukagarwal Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ukagarwal/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@ukagarwal Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ukagarwal2k2/


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