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Why does the United States need a leader like Narendra Modi in America ?


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United States need a leader like Narendra Modi in America
The world’s oldest democracy, the United States came under attack from thousands of supporters angered by Trump’s loss in November presidential elections, stormed the US Capitol Hill & clashed with law enforcement agencies thereby exposing the shimmering fault lines brewing in the dysfunctional political system. The United States Presidential Elections 2020 has exposed the fault lines in the American society & electoral system. Former President Donald Trump refused to concede defeat and took legal recourse by filing a series of lawsuits to declare the results null & void in key states. Yes the America in 21st Century is facing challenge of historic proportions including struggling economy, global terrorism, aging infrastructure, unsustainable growing debt, racism, gender based discrimination & inequality.

The foregin policy of America is a decorated trophy for every President to define his presidency & showcase the country’s unrivaled military, economic & political clout and remind the world of its dominance internationally time & again. The economic prowess of America fuels world trade and Industry and the ability to act unilaterally to protect American interests has remained unchallenged after the demise of Soviet Union. The two decade long war in Afghanistan has cost the US treasury mind boggling $2.26 Trillion, bleeding the exchequer in the self defeating multi trillion dollar war. In the same period China remained detached from the “War on Terror ” and focussed on the economic front being the biggest foreign investor in Afghanistan having invested in copper extraction, oil and gas sector and road and rail infrastructure.

Today China is challenging the American dominance by acting unilaterally,disputing international norms & conventions. The Dragon is weaponizing trade by diversifying its supply of critical natural resources with buying companies in stable autocratic countries. American Big Tech companies are now assisting China to build mass internet surveillance systems, censorship technology, and monitoring systems for human rights abusing law enforcement agencies. The Dragon has been investing in a series of ports across Asia, Africa & Europe & America to control trade routes. Around 47 Confucius institutes operating in the United States are serving as propaganda arm of Chinese Communist Party. The handlers of Chinese Communist Party studying in American universities have been spying on the United States, including cyber espionage, stealing intellectual property by infiltrating research laboratories, gaining access to trade secrets of United States & MNC corporations. 

The Wuhan Chinese Virus has exposed the inability of the United States to respond to the undeclared Biowarfare initiated by Communist nation resulting in the death of 600,000 Americans. Newly released emails from White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci prove that he knew the Wuhan Institute of Virology was carrying out dangerous gain-of-function research. American Tax Dollars went to  Wuhan Institute of Virology and funded this genetically altered virus, then it is safe to assume that the top ranking United States medical advisor has been compromised to work against the interest of American citizens. The American Media publication had initially dismissed claims of former President Donald Trump that the virus had its origin in China and posted this as conspiracy theory. Many American newspapers Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, TIME Magazine, Foreign Policy Magazine have received millions of dollars in the past year from a news agency controlled by Chinese Communist Party. 

The invisible sleeper cells of China are deeply embedded in American society and they have potential to flare up the fault lines, creating discord and support seperatist movement in the world oldest democracy with its well oiled targeted propaganda machinery. The secessionist flare up is waiting to happen and it threatens the existence of America.    

And that’s why the United States needs a leader as Narendra Modi in America. The leader of world largest democracy Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a fearless leader who has taken the toughest decisions,to do what is right for 1.38 billion Indians. In his seven year stint as the Prime Minister, he has proved to be an agent of real change, a change to shatter the lutyens ecosystem who existed on privilege, entitlement, cronyism, inefficiency & low national self esteem. He transformed Indian’s to take pride & respect in their culture & evoked nationalist pride to place national interest above anything else. 

“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus”–Martin Luther King, Jr

In 2013 Sixty four members of India’s Parliament, petitioned former U.S President Barack Obama to hold firm to its 2005 decision to deny then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi an entry visa for his alleged involvement in 2002 Gujarat riots in which thousand people were killed. His arrival as the leader of reckoning to lead the world largest democracy was known in 2012 when the Asian edition of Time Magazine featured him on their cover. And the popularity soared with Prime Minister Narendra Modi winning the Time magazine reader’s poll for Person of the Year in 2014 and 2016. In 2015 Prime Minister Modiji was ranked 5th on Fortune Magazine’s first annual list of the “World’s Greatest Leaders” and he is the 3rd most followed head of state on Twitter. In 2016, Madame Tussaud Wax Museum, London unveiled a wax statue of Prime Minister Modi. Former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim had stated the world needs leaders like Narendra Modi for taking visionary steps towards ending poverty. In his stint as Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has influenced international leadership with his charismatic communication skills. Many countries including Saudi Arabia & Russia have awarded him the highest civilian award of their country.

The latest being the “State Order of Ghazi Amir Amanullah Khan” the highest civilian honour of Afghanistan. Along with this Narendra Modi has been awarded the “ Order of Abdulaziz Al Saud” the highest honour of Saudi Arabia, “Grand Collar of the State of Palestine Award” from Palestine, “Order of Zayed Award” from United Arab Emirates, “Order of St.Andrew award” from Russia, “Order of the Distinguished Rule of Nishan Izzuddin” from Maldives, “Champions of Earth Award” from The United Nations Environment Programme, ‘Global Goalkeeper award” from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. According to Morning Consult, a global leader approval tracker & American data intelligence firm, Prime Minister Narendra Modi approval ratings are ahead of other world leaders of 13 countries, including the US, the UK, Russia, Australia, Canada, Brazil, France and Germany. 

In contrast to America, India with its limited resources under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made Covid response a people movement.  From a non existent PPE kit manufacturing facility, India has now become the second largest producer of personal protective equipment kits. India has emerged as a global pharmacy with exporting Covid Vaccine to 95 Countries across geographies under the “Vaccine Maitri” Initiative. In the time of pandemic India has supplied medicines, mask, PPE Kits & diagnostic kits to around 150 nations. With respect to Pakistan, India decimated and isolated its arch rival internationally by revoking Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu & Kashmir with limited functional autonomy. This led to Jammu & Kashmir being removed from the United Nations list of unresolved disputes, thwarting Pakistan devious designs to internationalize the issue. The Surgical Strike at Balakot proved that India is willing to cross the line and launch preemptive military strike if required in future. India is the only nation in QUAD to have suffered human casualties against China last year in Galwan. The measured strategic response against the advancing PLA army has halted Chinese expansionist dreams in Himalayas. To aid faster movement of troops, new roads & infrastructure are being built across the border. 

Unlike in America where the law enforcement agencies quell protest, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government has handled internal protest in a calibrated manner allowing the protestors to express their dissent against the policies of the Central Govt. The policy of “Atmanirbhar Bharat” (Self Reliant India) & “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwaas”  ensured the commitment of his government to work for the country & its development. In contrast the sole aim of American Military Industrial complex is to fight mindless wars and to preserve the status quo of Dollar as reserve currency in the world. In reality American Dollar is nothing more than useless toilet paper having no intrinsic value. The Americans status as sole financial superpower gives it extraordinary influence over other countries’ economic destinies. The present leader of the free world is a puppet of the Deep State. The rogue cartel is said to consist of Wall Street Bankers, American Pharma Companies, Défense Contractors & manufacturers which places strategic corporate interest over American citizens welfare. With Power comes responsibility & Being global power and in leadership role, America needs leader of the calibre of Narendra Modi to challenge the autocratic evil regime. “The White House” needs leader who possess the virtues of righteousness, trust, strategic decisive thinking, resourcefulness, compassion, humanity and they need to seek the inspiration from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  

Everybody has an opinion. Do they, however, truly matter? These days, blending various viewpoints has resulted in the development of hazardous concoctions of perspectives. The true goal, however, was to cultivate serious intellectual revolutions that would influence the people and create a community that might affect global change. About Umesh Agarwal Umesh Agarwal, a conscientious Indian citizen active in media and volunteer work, thinks that young people in India need to become more aware of both spoken and unsaid global events. An entrepreneur by trade, a commerce graduate by education, and a veteran of the information technology three-tier architecture industry, He has made it his mission to increase public understanding of global current affairs, macro and microeconomics, heritage, international relations, history, and economic affairs. He is a renowned geopolitical expert, visionary, and astute opinion leader. He is passionate about analysing current events and reporting on them in a variety of international publications, including Trunicle, USApolitico, Keatley, and BharatVoice. Many of his writings went viral and attracted the attention of international celebrities who commented on them. VISION Umesh queries, "Is it easy to be vocal and politically opinionated with numerous avenues of information like print media, live websites, and interactions on social media. But the crucial query is: Are we expanding our thinking? Can we uncover facts buried in layers? Are we capable of fully comprehending the political game of cards?” He frequently states that In today’s capitalist society, if we don't teach the next generation how to protect themselves from the tragedies of bureaucratic conspiracies, they might never learn to protect themselves and make big decisions. VOLUNTEERING WORK Along with his involvement with numerous charitable organisations, he had managed multispecialty day care diagnostic and cancer detection centres that serve more than 100,000 people in Chennai. Having participated in numerous humanitarian and social organisations as a contributor. INDIACHRONICLE With the vision of promoting transparency and empowering the youth , he has launched a mediahouse- IndiaChronicle.in, a new centrist journal designed to promote educated debate and offer insightful information on the many areas that influence our society. India Chronicle seeks to fill in the gaps in public conversation by offering a fair-minded and complex viewpoint on important topics. Our readership is made up of a diverse group of people, including decision-makers, academics, workers, and active citizens who seek insightful information. Its time that we think of the persistent little contributions that make us a more responsible individual and a global citizen. Follow on Email : ukagarwal@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ukagarwal Twitter : https://twitter.com/ukagarwal Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ukagarwal/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@ukagarwal Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ukagarwal2k2/


  1. Pl write an article on WHY INDIA DOESN’T DESERVE A LEADER LIKE MODI… Though yes, we should pray that he continues for another decade or even more…

  2. I think article is 100% true, in the past every empire go through cycle , stay for period of time and finished , at present emerging is challenging the top and creating mess around the world, not good for human being and the planet , World is planning to stop before happen. Modi is facing falls propaganda against him. Loosers trying to gain lost position. Modi changed the India for the best and India will be emerged as a superpower if patriotim arrive and anti indian elements stay under control and stops foreign money to create disturbance in India.

  3. Wow, I truly loved to read this article by Umesh ji. He has analysed beautifully n this article is a must read by all. Truly, Our fearless PM Modi ji is the sole leader in the world to counter China, which is actually the need of not only America but even to all European countries n others. The author has done deep analysis n wonderfully crafted the whole showing the reality. Thanks👍👍🙏🙏🇮🇳

  4. आप ने लिखा तो सब सही है। आप से बात करके अच्छा लगा पर कुछ बातों पर असहमति जताकर मैंने ठीक किया या नहीं मुझे नहीं मालूम


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