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WHO lauds Uttar Pradesh Govt’s Herculean efforts to reach the last mile to stop COVID-19


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India is fighting a massive battle against COVID. While the Central govt and respective state governments are trying their best to put a brave front to counter this menace of corona, media is selectively targeting few state governments to satiate their vested interests.

One among such state is Uttar Pradesh, which is often remain on the target of Lutyens media. However, this time WHO comes to expose all propaganda against Yogi Adityanath’s government.

WHO has lauded the Uttar Pradesh government’s efforts to initiate a house-to-house active case finding COVID-19 in rural areas to contain transmission by testing people with symptoms for rapid isolation, contact tracing, and disease management. This exercise is among the largest in the World as it covers 230 million people.

UP govt has started a campaign to cover 97,941 villages in 75 districts over five days for this activity, which began on 5 May. Every monitoring team is consists of two members, who visit homes in villages to test everyone with symptoms of COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) kits.

IF they find anyone positive, then those people are quickly isolated and provided a medicine kit with adequate advice on disease and medication management. The team ensures all the contacts of those who test positive are properly quarantined and their RT-PCR tests are conducted at home.

Yogi government has allocated two dedicated mobile vans to each Block within a District, which tests people with symptoms. The community health centers are also conducting routine sample collection and testing.

Picture Credit – WHO

UP govt has also deployed 141,610 teams and 21,242 supervisors from the health department to carry out this exercise to cover all the rural areas.

WHO is also providing its support to UP govt, as they are assisting UP govt with the training and micro planning for the activity. WHO has also deployed its field officers on the ground to monitor and share real-time feedback with the government for immediate corrective action.

We are impressed with the efforts of UP government and all the employees involved in this massive activity. We wish them all the best, and we are sure that they will achieve their objectives very soon.



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