Congress leaders’ protests in black clothes ‘insult to Ram Bhakts’, slammed CM Yogi Adityanath. The episode of protesting near the site in the name of ‘agitation against price rise’ is an indication that the party chose ‘Ayodhya diwas’ which marks the beginning of construction of Ram Janmbhoomi.
Till now, Congress was protesting wearing normal attire but on the sacred occasion the black clothes were embraced by the party points out the ill-intention of the leaders, said Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
He added, this move of the congress however, indicates their dissent to the judicial system and the 1990 act of Rajiv Gandhi who supported to lay the foundation of Ram Mandir.
The congress leaders protested against price rise, hike in GST on essential items and unemployment on Friday in New Delhi and various parts of country wearing black clothes. The day coincided with the anniversary of the Ram temple foundation laying by Prime Minister Modi in Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya.
Congress intends to insult all the machineries involving to bring out definite verdicts, either judiciary or public faith. Congress’s perpetual act of targeting the belief is sabotaging their own party. Their attitude has specifically act out on the day of Ayodhya Diwas. Hence, we condemn such acts of the party, CM Yogi Adityanath said.
The entire episode noted the presence of Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi along with Priyanka Gandhi protesting in black in New Delhi.
The inference of CM Yogi Adityanath can be read with the Congress Spokesperson Shama Mohamed statement where she said, the aim to send a message of protest. “it is a black a day as Rahul Gandhi said there is no democracy, democracy is dead in India. They are not listening anything about inflation, so we are protesting, she concluded.
On many occasions the day of judgement in favor and foundation day were criticized by opposition leaders. Many held the judicial pronouncement invalid and many termed farce. The appeasement seem to have risen at the level where the constitutional duties are ignored.