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Taming the dragon ,China’s deceit.


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Sun Tzu, a military general and strategist who lived in ancient China, is one of the East Asia’s most important historical and strategic figures. He is most famous for writing ‘The Art of War’, a timeless classic and one of the most important works of the eastern literature, especially on strategic onslaught on the enemy.

The art of war is a treatise on military tactics and warfare that has been employed by the likes of Napoleon the great, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin and General Douglas MacArthur and now in the present context by Xi Jinping on the entire world more so in the neighbourhood.

Following Sun Tzu’s Doctrines, China started war on following fronts:

First piracy war or counterfeit war: Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. This is Sun Tzu, principle to wage a war on the industrial front. Today, out of a lot of branded products in the market most of them are fake and available dirt cheap. Even Rolex and other watches are available at Rs. 3000/- to Rs. 4000/ only in open market. As a graduate student at UBC, engineering books were expensive and shelling out Can$ 40.00 from monthly scholarship of Can$ 800.00 was a tough call, but my Chinese, Hong Kong and Taiwanese classmates used to have neat Xeroxed copies available with them for Can$ 3.00 and thus siphoning away around Can$ 37.00 from the local market. And such counterfeit products are available all over the world. All these counterfeits are produced in China, hundreds of years before China was known for piracy and duplicates in the South China Seas. Xeroxing of books is an offence and we were warned not to use Xerox copies. Today China is following the same strategy of piracy / counterfeit mass production. China steals computer software and publishes cheap prints of the renowned popular books. They even produce counterfeit of life saving drugs. As per US Defence reports, China is blatantly counterfeiting A to Z, from air conditioners, automobiles, medicines to medical equipment and even fighter aeroplane and posing grave danger to the civilised world. These products are pushed through Nepal, where a Northwest jacket made in China costs around US$ 10, while original jacket costs around US$ 59.00 or more. An original FILA T shirt cost around US$ 100 and above but a fake FILA cost only US$ 10.00

World economy runs in two ways: one is the legal economy and other is illegal economy. China is shareholder of 85% of illegal economy in the world and is the leading country in illegal trade from a pin to costly pen.

Second Expansionist war: Today China has border / maritime disputes with all its neighbours, because of its undue claims of other country’s territory or waters. In South China Sea it has territorial disputes with Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. Despite a 2016 arbitration ruling against it, China is least bothered and continues to push its claims for jurisdiction over the resource rich region. It is also involved in a tussle with Japan over the ownership of Senkaku Islands and Bonito fish. It has also annexed / occupied Tibet, Parts of Turkmenistan, and Manchuria. China lays claims on Mongolia citing historical reasons and continuously exploits its natural resources. It is staking claim over Arunachal Pradesh and does not recognise it as a part of India and gives stapled visas to the natives of Arunachal Pradesh. Likewise Pakistan is already a vassal state of China as it sold off some parts forcefully occupied during the Pakistan’s aggression in the year 1963. Nepal is also in tight grips of China and has total grip on its daily governance. When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. They all look forward to India for a helping hand. The head of the Tibetan government in exile visited the White House recently, the first such meeting in 60 years and one that could draw the ire of Beijing. Excellency Lobsang Sangay, President of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), said he met with the White House’s newly appointed US, Special Coordinator for Tibetan issues, Robert Destro. Sangay told Voice of America (VOA), that he met with representatives from the office of the President and Vice President, along with key personnel working on Asia – and China – related issues. “I was happy and proud to hear that there is a formal recognition and respect for the Tibetan exile administration, our democratically elected leadership, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s gift of his political handover to the Central Tibetan Administration,” Sangay said in an interview with VOA’s Tibetan Service. China seized control over Tibet in 1950 in what it described as a “peaceful liberation” that helped the remote Himalayan region throw off its “feudalist” past. But critics, led by the Dalai Lama, say Beijing’s rule amounts to “cultural genocide.” India may also slowly change its stand against China sooner than later and we are enrolling Tibetans to fight for India in the recent Finger area. China’s policies toward Tibet came under a spotlight again this year as ties frayed between Washington and Beijing. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters at the State Department in September that the Trump administration was “concerned about Chinese actions in Tibet, in light of the [Chinese] General Secretary’s recent calls to ‘Sinicise’ Tibetan Buddhism and fight ‘splittism’ there,” a term referring to groups that deviate from Communist Party of China official policies.

Third Drug war: The illegal drug trade in China is influenced by factors such as history, location, size, population and current economic conditions. China has one-fifth of the world’s population and a large and expanding economy while opium has played an important role in the country’s history since before the First and Second Opium Wars in the mid – 19th century. China’s large land mass, close proximity to the Golden Triangle, Golden Crescent, and numerous coastal cities with large and modern port facilities make it an attractive transit center for drug traffickers. China’s status in drug trafficking has changed significantly since the 1980s, when the country for the first time opened its borders to trade and tourism after 40 years of relative isolation. As trade with Southeast Asia and elsewhere increased, so did the flow of illicit drugs and precursor chemicals from, into, and through China.

Today’s modern drug war runs through China. Novero has said China’s corrupt Communist party officials are cartel Kingpins. China is one of the biggest dope dealers in the world. Today China’s banking system is becoming biggest money laundering system. National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval’s visit to Sri Lanka recently for the trilateral maritime cooperation was an attempt to bring Colombo closer to the Indo-Pacific cooperation,

Fourth Blood oil war: Out of 20 Cities with more than one crore population having maximum pollution, 16 Cities are in China. Its cheap popular economy is based on coal hub. China produces so much pollution that it even affects Japan, Mongolia and both Korea. With mounting pressure on China, especially from USA, on this issue it understood that it has to change from coal to oil and natural gas. Today China is the largest consumer of oil and gas, next only to US. In the next 15 years China’s consumption is expected to equal rest of the world’s consumption. But China only produces, 10% of its requirement. Hence China cast its eyes on the Middle East. It brought out its Arab policy paper. And within the last four years China has dominated the Middle East region. Its proposed China Iran deal is in that direction. But how did this happen?

Conflict creations: When the entire world only thought Middle East meant oil, China thought Middle East as a war Zone. Today if we observe we see that there are open disputes between Israel and Palestine, Syria and Yemen, and UAE together, Turkey against NATO, Caliphate’s own wars between Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Iran against Saudi Arabia, between Sunni and Shia world. China exploited through supply of low cost warfare arsenal to Middle East. This was the strategy. China gave ballistic missiles, drones, fighter planes on very cheap basis to terror groups in the Middle East. China has shipped ballistic missiles to radical Iranian Regime and thus started implementation of the Arab policy paper. In this strategic paper China has given Priority 1 to Middle East. In Middle East, out of every three Euros invested, one Euro comes from China meaning one third partnership in the Middle East. Blood for oil diplomacy has resulted in slaughter of millions of people.

Further, hither to Chinese goods were passing through Suez Canal, Hormuz Strait, fully dominated by US Ships. To counter it China invested US$ 10 Billion in Saudi Arabia and other countries in Middle East for oil refineries and dominated them. It has constructed one of the largest port in the Middle East. China has established airports, hotels, offices, factories and infrastructure there. It has also created Special Economic Zones (SEZ). And now Chinese Ships can avoid US dominated Ports.

Control of Ports: Chinese company, COSCO bought up 100% of PIRAEUS, a port in Greece. It is a clash of culture between the Chinese and European values. That aside, what is even more interesting is how China is seemingly ring fencing Europe. China is buying up ports like there was no tomorrow. It isn’t just a Gwadar and Hambantota. Chinese companies have acquired stakes in 13 ports in Europe, including in Greece, Spain and most recently, Belgium, according to a study by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Those ports handle about 10% of Europe’s shipping container capacity. One is left wondering if it is just a ‘string of pearls’ or an anaconda wrapping itself up around its prey at a later date.

Sneak into Europe: Greece, along with its financial crisis was ripe for a takeover and an entry point for China into Europe. Camel in the tent syndrome. Since then Beijing has deepened their links with Athens. In August of 2018 Greece announced that it was formally joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). With this, China has an internal inroad into the European market, using Greece as a portal.

In China, there are six cargo ports that can handle over 500 million tonnes cargo per annum in addition to the eight other ports, which handle cargo between 100 million tonnes and 500 million tonnes.

In contrast, India has just two ports, which handle cargo beyond 100 million tonnes – these are Kandla and Mundra. Large productivity gains can be achieved by improving existing ports at a much lower marginal cost. Worst: No Indian port figures in the top-20 list.

Rotterdam’s port, in the Netherlands, which is Europe’s biggest harbour and sees more than 8.6 billion containers (incoming and outgoing by sea) being transshipped in 2018, is also in the grips of China.

India’s diplomacy: China has failed to win India’s support for its ambitious Belt and Road infrastructure project, President Xi Jinping’s landmark scheme to connect China to the rest of Asia and beyond, a giant reworking of its old Silk Road. India has not signed up to the initiative as parts of one key project, the US$ 57 Billion China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), runs through Pakistan – administered Kashmir that India considers its own territory.

Countering China in its own backyard was initiated and “Lucknow Declaration” was made and Key Highlights of the same are:

The leaders recalled India’s contribution to defence and security in Africa through setting up of various Defence Academies in countries like Tanzania, Nigeria and Ethiopia and deployment of training teams in several African nations including Uganda, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Zambia, Seychelles, Mauritius and Tanzania. The leaders also recalled India’s provision of defence equipment and ammunitions and other measures including conducting Defence Training Programmes. They also acknowledged the humanitarian assistance provided by the Indian defence force and its disaster relief operations during major disasters including cyclone IDAI in Mozambique (2019) and mass evacuation of stranded people from 41 countries in 2018. The leaders also appreciated the initiation of Africa India Field Training Exercises and agreed to further strengthen cooperation in defence preparedness and security. The first-ever AFINDEX was held in March 2019.”

India is fighting China with even grip at the border and gained strategic heights and fighting a war with great zeal and determination. There was a news break that Chinese soldiers did mock exercises at the snowcapped peaks in Canada to simulate the Himalayan region. Balkan states have poor infrastructure, endemic corruption, high debt, soaring unemployment rates, weak rule of law and occasional war-mongering. And China loves them and as US retreats these states are on radar of China. China is trying to enter Europe through the poor part and make a grand entry, but many of its Confucius centres are getting closed by Swiss authorities.

An interesting development came to light and Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli dissolved the House of Representatives on Sunday, two years ahead of its normal tenure, amid a power tussle within the ruling Nepal Communist Party. Seven cabinet ministers belonging to Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachand” group resigned and new elections will be held soon.

In Sun Tzu times, when tensile wires are over stressed, they break too was not known to him. Even Sri Lanka wants to get out of debt trap and Myanmar is not allowing any more Chinese interference.


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