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New Delhi

Tag: Modi


Fact Check – Was ISRO founded by Jawaharlal Nehru as Congress claimed?

This month has been phenomenal for Indian Space research, as India became the first nation in the World, which has successfully landed on the...

Sonia Gandhi’s close confidante Ahmed Patel paid Rs 30 lakh to Teesta Setalvad to destabilize CM Modi’s govt after Gujarat riots

Gujarat riots are definitely a watershed moment in the Indian Politics. This incident has a massive impact on the psyche of Indian electoral. We...

Why is there such a rush to demonise RSS?

Certain media personalities and intellectuals have been observed closely monitoring every detail of what SarSanghchalak Mohanji Bhagawat says on various occasions. The goal is...

International conspiracy to undermine India’s growth and position

The desire of many Westerners and Chinese to rule developing and underdeveloped nations even as they themselves are collapsing as a result of their...

Budget 2023 : Focus on “Amrit Kaal”

The current central government has completely altered people's, industry's, and experts' perceptions of the general budget. Previously, governments were only concerned with winning elections,...

Nationwide protest against the BBC by the Indian Diaspora in the UK

Press Release | Sunday Jan 29, 2023 Reacting to the continued bias and propaganda against India, Hindus and PM Modi and the latest biased...