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New Delhi

Tag: #hindus


Islamists unleash havoc on Hindu Community in Leicester, UK

The Hindu community in Leicester, UK, is just now emerging from the wrath of well-coordinated, angry Islamist gangs trying to reclaim the moral high...

This is how Indian Hindus will also be eliminated if we don’t wake up

The Muslim neighbor of a Pakistani DALIT Ashok Kumar had a dispute with him, so the Muslim lady burnt Quran & told others that...

A Hindu woman was sexually harassed by two miscreants named Irfan Khan (alias Miraj) and Prince in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

On August 12, a Hindu man named Neel Madhav Saha was attacked and stabbed after objecting to his daughter's eve-teasing. The event occurred at...


Stone pelting had become synonymous with insurgency and terrorist activities in the Kashmir Valley. Continuous hurling of brick bats, stone chips and other sharp...

Bharat,Islamists & the stone pelting brigade

Islam & Stone pelting or RAJM RAJM is an arabic world for stone pelting or stonning the devil.This is a ritual followed in islam.RAJM co-occurs...

SAINBARI INCIDENT – A manifestation of communist horror & congress deception.

While the nation is still reeling under shock and horror at the sight of Sharada Pandit being force fed with rice stained with blood...