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New Delhi

Tag: #conversion


Ex-PM Imran Khan admits Hindu girls being forcefully converted to Islam in Pakistan

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has stated that forced conversions of young non-Muslim females do place in the nation. In a speech at...

Regaining your lost Dharma

Wasim Rizvi’s voluntary reconversion has divided Hindu community with one section welcoming his personal decision, another section attacking him for getting privilege to be...

Casteism in Christianity : While more than 70% of the Catholic converts in Tamil Nadu are Dalits, only 4 of the 18 Bishops are...

Christian evangelists are always on the lookout for vulnerable people, mainly from among the majority Hindus, in order to convert them. More often than...

Why don’t Hindus promote their Dharma and suggest Gharwapsi?

Anchors at Indian TV channels are generally intelligent and capable. However, when the topic involves religion, they often lack common sense or courage. Rishab Gulati...

1) ‘लव जिहाद ‘ फिर हिन्दू लड़की हुई शिकार? झांसी से किडनैप लड़की भोपाल में मिला शव, पिता बोले ‘ धर्म परिवर्तन नहीं करने...

उत्तर प्रदेश में लगातार सामने आ रहीं लव जिहाद की घटनाओं को लेकर मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ सख्त हैं | मध्य प्रदेश के भी मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज...