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New Delhi

Tag: Arunachal Pradesh


‘Evil’ China renames 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh, India says “Invented Names” won’t alter Reality

China at its best again. In its latest attempt to lay claim to areas inside India's territory, the Chinese government on Sunday announced the...

Tawang Incursion : A start of well planned international conspiracy to flair tension across border to be followed by possibility…..

The possibility of planned mobilization and organized street protest is not ruled out after the bill on Uniform Civil Code was introduced in Parliament this winter.

India Army’s Says ‘Hi’ to Chinese PLA at Arunachal Pradesh; Massive Injuries to PLA before they were forced to Retreat

Indian and Chinese soldiers suffered “minor injuries” after they were engaged in a face-off along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Tawang Sector...

Operation Pelican- Indian Army’s plan to re-capture our territory from China; but shot down by the then PM Rajiv Gandhi

In India, post-independence politics has been dominated by the Nehru-Gandhi family. Our nation is still facing a lot of challenges and problems, that have...

पूर्व सीबीआई इति निदेशक: अश्विनी कुमार: अकरोत् आत्मघातम् ! पूर्व CBI निदेशक अश्विनी कुमार ने किया सुसाइड !

मणिपुरस्य नागालैंडस्य च् पूर्व राज्यपाल: पूर्व सीबीआई इति निदेशक: च् अश्विनी कुमारः आत्मघातम् क्रियते ! शिमलाया: आरक्षक अधीक्षकः मोहित चावला: अबदत् तत अश्विनी कुमारः...

एकम् ईदृशम् ग्रामम् यत्र प्राप्ताय चलनम् भविष्यति चतुर्विंशति महातालस्य पदमार्गम् ! एक ऐसा गांव जहां पहुँचने के लिए तय करना होगा 24 किलोमीटर का...

अरुणाचल प्रदेशस्य मुख्यमंत्री पेमा खांडू: तवांग जनपदे स्व निर्वाचन क्षेत्रम् मुकटोस्य भ्रमणे आसीत्, यदा सः द्रुत स्थितस्य एकम् ग्रामस्य जनै: मेलनाय लगभगम् चतुर्विंशति महातालस्य...