The reason for the incident is yet to get unfold. According to police, Chanpatia and Gopalpur police have reached the spot and are investigating. Every necessary means are on the run to ensure the killings and identity of killers.
According to reports, Miscreants severed the head of the mute priest from Ram Janki temple in Beittiah, Bihar and left it outside of another temple of Goddess about a kilometer away.
The priest had been worshipping at the temple and dispensing the duties at the temple for past 40 years. The reports says, when the worshippers reached the temple in the morning remained stunned, as they found severed head of the priest at the gate of temple.
According to the villagers, the priest used to sleep on the temple premises as usual Tuesday night.
The crime has been allegedly committed through the roof of the temple as the sandal of a criminal is left at the spot.
Police have been investigating since the incident took place and were informed about the crime scene and appearance of head at the time it was found. Suspicion emerges as the information is also about offering of his head is made to Kali Mandir.
However, police have refuted the claims for now and said that nothing is firmly claimed as investigation is still underway.