One of the biggest challenges we are facing today is the biasedness of media, which is known for twisting the facts and present the story in a highly objectionable way if there is an involvement of a specific religion or ideology.
One of the most popular international newspapers New York Post is among the most biased media house, who always try to defame Hindus by any means. They don’t even hesitate to twist the facts and change the information to carry on their propaganda.
Here is a fresh case from New York Post’s stable. An incident occurred in Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh), where Maulvi Vakil Ahmad, 57, a Muslim cleric was allegedly attacked by his wife Hazra, who used a kitchen knife to chop off his manhood on Thursday in Shikarpur village.
Well, this is a crime committed against a Muslim cleric, by his wife, and there is no connection of Hindu anywhere, but New York Post knows how to twist the narrative and project as if this was done to a Hindu priest, at least that is what their headline depicts.
You can see here the news headline and the article link has been added below as well.

New York Post Link – News Link
Look at the their tweet, which shows a Hindu priest performing pooja, though the news has no connection with Hindu priest. New York Post removed this highly objectionable tweet, though the question remains valid that why they were showing a Hindu Priest, instead of a Muslim cleric?

Here the Muslim cleric wanted to get married a third time, but his second wife sliced off his penis as he slept after he ignored her pleas to refrain from getting hitched again, however, the New York Post started the article with the Hindu Phobic line, which says “Third time was definitely no charm for this polyamorous priest“.
Well, this is how the International Media works, they keep on distorting the facts and paint other religions in bad light, to promote a specific ideology only. As a Hindu, it is our moral responsibility to expose the nefarious tactics of these international media house and counter them whenever it is possible.
Atrocious!The magazine should be sued and penalised for its concocted preposterous story.