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Demystifying Leftist Fascination for Fascist Narendra Modi Vis-A-Vis Global Statesman


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Demystifying Leftist Fascination for Fascist Narendra Modi Vis-A-Vis Global Statesman

If anyone states that Narendra Modi Govt is fascist intolerant regime then surely these rants can come from the Letist-Jehadi-Psuedo Secular-Liberal Jamaat. The notorious syndicate have equated Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. And we do remember around 65 members of Parliament of UPA2 appealing to President Barack Obama to deny a visa to the then Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

The so called progressive UPA2 Administration ensured that Special Investigation Team grilled Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for about 9 hours in connection with 2002 riots which started after 59 Kar Sevaks mostly women & children were burnt alive in Sabarmati Express at Godhra and in the ensuing riots around 1000 more lives were lost. As Gujarat CM Narendra Modi appeared before SIT without lawyer and stated Indian law and constitution are supreme. He added,As a citizen and as the chief minister, he is bound by the constitution and the law.

And fast forward in June 2011, when peaceful crowd of around 50,000 protestors led by Baba Ramdev were evicted from Ramleela Maidan in midnight swoop by Delhi Police, which resulted in death of old lady Rajbala. The action of Delhi Police were in direct contravention to Article 19 (1)(b) of the constitution which grants right to assemble peaceafully. And the norms of Constitution were floated by Congress during emergency when Press, judiciary, Opposition was forcefully silenced by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. And this is remembered as darkest era of Modern Indian history. The despotic Prime Minister also quelled the protest by Sadhus in 1966, when they gathered outside the parliament to pressurize the government to criminalize the ban on cow slaughter.

And in the winter of December 11, 2019 on the strech of Shaheen Bagh South Delhi, which connects Delhi, Faridabad in Haryana and Noida in Uttar Pradesh, was closed due to protests against Citizen Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizen (NRC). The protest lasted for over 100 days and due to pandemic risk the protest was called off on March 24, 2020. During the protest attempts were made to give communal angle and incite riots by motivated supporters and due to timely action of the Delhi Police large scale violence was averted.

And this year again on December 4,2020 the protestors, middlemen, Khalistani sympathizers diguised as farmers have blocked the Singhu border near Delhi to repeal the three farm acts which were passed by the Parliament of India in September 2020. The protestors have set up makeshift camp and this has impacted traffic movement at the border areas.

Earlier in September 2020 the apex court stated that “The right to protest in public place should be balanced with the right of the general public to move freely without hindrance.” And the observation clearly states that protest should be allowed without causing incovenience to the general public.

Union Govt has reacted quite cautiously in this matter calling out farmers’ unions & again inviting them for talks to allay their fears regarding the misconception spread by Break India Forces. The Supreme Court of India has proposed to set up a committee comprising representatives of farmer’s unions across India, government and other stakeholders to resolve the issues of protesting farmers.

All these developments show that Narendra Modi Govt has adopted quite conciliatory approach towards right to dissent and protest against the policies of the Central Govt and has given time for back channel negotiations to resolve the issue, unlike what happened during Congress & UPA rule when protestors were dispersed and right to protest was quelled with iron fist. And on the other hand PM Narendra Modi has maintained dignified silence for repeated death threats on his life and the latest being the Bharatiya Kisan Union leader’s wife issued death threats to PM Modi on Television.

And the news anchors like Ravish Kumar & others need to realize that if they call any leader fascist they never live other day to repeat the same. And since in power for last six years the leftist cabal had tried to discredit Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Hindu Nationalist leader has been tolerant in dealing with all the personal slander, expletives, threats spilled out against him and the policies of the government. Its time for India to welcome the leader of International stature who has been conferred with the highest honor of awards from United States, Russia, UAE, Baharain & international agencies as well.

Everybody has an opinion. Do they, however, truly matter? These days, blending various viewpoints has resulted in the development of hazardous concoctions of perspectives. The true goal, however, was to cultivate serious intellectual revolutions that would influence the people and create a community that might affect global change. About Umesh Agarwal Umesh Agarwal, a conscientious Indian citizen active in media and volunteer work, thinks that young people in India need to become more aware of both spoken and unsaid global events. An entrepreneur by trade, a commerce graduate by education, and a veteran of the information technology three-tier architecture industry, He has made it his mission to increase public understanding of global current affairs, macro and microeconomics, heritage, international relations, history, and economic affairs. He is a renowned geopolitical expert, visionary, and astute opinion leader. He is passionate about analysing current events and reporting on them in a variety of international publications, including Trunicle, USApolitico, Keatley, and BharatVoice. Many of his writings went viral and attracted the attention of international celebrities who commented on them. VISION Umesh queries, "Is it easy to be vocal and politically opinionated with numerous avenues of information like print media, live websites, and interactions on social media. But the crucial query is: Are we expanding our thinking? Can we uncover facts buried in layers? Are we capable of fully comprehending the political game of cards?” He frequently states that In today’s capitalist society, if we don't teach the next generation how to protect themselves from the tragedies of bureaucratic conspiracies, they might never learn to protect themselves and make big decisions. VOLUNTEERING WORK Along with his involvement with numerous charitable organisations, he had managed multispecialty day care diagnostic and cancer detection centres that serve more than 100,000 people in Chennai. Having participated in numerous humanitarian and social organisations as a contributor. INDIACHRONICLE With the vision of promoting transparency and empowering the youth , he has launched a mediahouse- IndiaChronicle.in, a new centrist journal designed to promote educated debate and offer insightful information on the many areas that influence our society. India Chronicle seeks to fill in the gaps in public conversation by offering a fair-minded and complex viewpoint on important topics. Our readership is made up of a diverse group of people, including decision-makers, academics, workers, and active citizens who seek insightful information. Its time that we think of the persistent little contributions that make us a more responsible individual and a global citizen. Follow on Email : ukagarwal@gmail.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ukagarwal Twitter : https://twitter.com/ukagarwal Linked In : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ukagarwal/ YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@ukagarwal Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ukagarwal2k2/


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