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Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story” why did Left liberal eco system pressurised the publisher to withdraw the book? Where is Freedom Of Speech, dear hypocrite Left liberals?


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Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story” by Advocate Monica Arora, Sonali Chitalkar and Prerna Malhotra was scheduled to be launched yesterday (on 22 August), and subsequently to be released in the month of September, but its publisher, Bloomsbury India withdrew publication of the book yesterday allegedly under pressure by support system of Urban Naxals and Islamist Jihadis.

Why are cabals of Urban Naxals and Islamist Jihadis shaken that they ran a strong campaign to pressurise the publisher, Bloomsbury India to withdraw publication of Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story?’ Why are they celebrating, after the book was withdrawn, as if they succeeded to protect Yaqub Memon and Afzal Guru from gallows? What is even more appalling is that the book has not been even released, hence it is not available in market to read. Why are they scared of the book?

Because authors of “Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story” claim that the book is factual report on the riots in Delhi in February 2020, based on investigations and interviews conducted on riot affected areas by the authors themselves. Are the eco system of Urban Naxals and Islamist Jihadis afraid of truth? Are they perturbed of victims’ names?

60 innocent Car Sevaks were burnt alive by Islamist Jihad, but nobody knows their names. Photo credit: Aaj Tak

Dear India, do you recall names and faces of 60 Karsevaks, who were burnt alive in S-6 compartment of Sabarmati Express at Godhra on 27 February 2002? No, you don’t know their names, so how can you remember their faces? But India is aware of Maya Kodnani? Then, left leaning media and liberals succeeded to set narratives—Hindu victims have no names and no faces, but Hindu accused has a name and a face—hence, it was Hindus, who were perpetrators. Since, then Gujarat has been continuously demonised for 2002 riots, even if pre conspired riot was started by Islamist Jihadi with burning of 60 innocent Hindus including women and children alive.

In Delhi too, much before riots claimed more than 50 innocent lives in North East Delhi in Feb 2020, war had already been initiated against KAAFIRS. Poster girls of Jamia Milia Islamia Riots, Ladeeda Sakhaloon and Aysha Renna, posted many posts on Facebook shouting war cry against KAAFIRS. In one such Facebook post, Ladeeda Sakhaloon openly hero worshipped Ali Musliyar and Variamkunnath, leaders of Moplah riots—wherein 2500 Hindus were slaughtered, 26000 fled as refugees, 2500 were forcibly converted, sexually assaulted and more than 100 Hindu temples were destroyed as Arti Agarwal, writer and economist writes in her article—Kerala in 1921. And Jamia blatantly protected its rioter students in its library.

Coalition of Urban Naxals and Islamist Jihadis had almost set the narrative of CAA as anti Muslim Act, while no Muslim in India has anything to do with CAA. As Delhi Court confirms ex AAP councillor, Tahir Hussain—who led the mob from his house and also from the Masjid near Chand Bagh Pulia on February 24 and 25 in North East Delhi—was facilitated with logistics support to carry out large scale riots.

Former AAP councillor Tahir Hussain with rioter mobs reminded the mob at Godhra station, who poured petrol on S-6 compartment of Sabarmati Express at Godhra on 27 February 2002. But, unlike Sabarmati Express, victims’ identity of Delhi riots appeared. Those innocents victims were IB officer, Ankit Sharma (25), Head constable Ratan Lal (42), Alok Tiwari (24), Rahul Thakur (23), Sanjeet Thakur (32), Dinesh Kumar (35), Vinod Kumar (50), Rahul Solanki (26), Nitin Kumar (15) and many more.

As authors of “Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story” explain that they interviewed victims’ relatives and they have every proof of investigations they conducted. The book provides every detail and proof of Islamist Jihadi like Tahir Hussain, who has confessed that he carried out riots to teach lesson to Hindus, since CAA had been enacted. This is what that has sent shock waves in eco systems of Urban Naxals and Islamist Jihadis coalition, because the book busts their fake narrative of “Muslim Pogrom” they tried to plant in North East Delhi Riots 2002.

Since centuries, Islamist Jihadis have conspired riots, death and destruction to teach lesson to KAAFIRS on this land with support of left liberals and Urban Naxals. When Islamist Jihadis succeeded to massacre Hindus, victims were faceless and nameless, when Hindus defended themselves, instead of offering themselves to be killed, Left liberals and Urban Naxals presented them as perpetrators.

“But, “Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story” busts the fake narrative of “Muslim Pogrom.” It was Islamist Jihadis like Tahir Hussain, the former AAP councillor, who played Godhra Part II in Delhi. One can imagine inhuman brutality with which Ankit Sharma was butchered. During post mortem, the doctors had found 51 sharp and blunt injuries on his body. When Hindus like Kapil Mishra gave shouted to defend themselves from getting killed by mob, they were labelled as perpetrators.

Hindu victims of Islamist Jihad never had any names and faces, but when Hindus defended themselves, they were called perpetrators.


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