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New Delhi

Devi Prasad Rao

A banker turned social entrepreneur & writer. Always a proud Hindu

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After WFH, It’s Time To Start NFH

Thank God it's Friday!After a gruelling work week, five days of tensions, challenges and deadlines, on the eve of the well-earned weekend, it is...

Weaponising Cricket: A status check for the Dhimmified and Colonised mind

Palau is a small country consisting of a cluster of around 340 islands east of the Philippines. It has the distinction of being one...

Secularism and its irrelevance to Sanatana Dharma

What is Secularism? The word “Secularism” literally means temporal or worldly. It is an American concept introduced by Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers...

Power Play & the politics of power

On 9th October 2021, Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted a shocker that the national capital was on the verge of a power crisis...

Virat’s unsolicited advice is unwanted

Dear Mr Virat Kohli MY festival is not YOUR social media campaign! I watched with amusement as you announced that you would be sharing your unsolicited...