A six-month Dalit pregnant woman was gang-raped in Indore, Madhya Pradesh by four Muslim men under the guise of offering her a job. When the girl cried for mercy, the accused justified the rape by saying that having sex with a Hindu woman would help them attain Jannat.
The victim recently approached the police to lodge a complaint against the four accused, namely, Afzal Patel, Arbaaz Khan, Prince Syed, and Syed. These men first drugged her food and when she fell unconscious, they took her to a house in Vijayanagar and raped her. Based on her complaint, the Indore police arrested the four accused.
The victim was searching for a job and had posted her bio-data on social media. Arbaaz saw her post and approached her. He promised to get her a job and trapped her. The two became friends and started chatting with each other on social media. Arbaaz told the victim that his friends Prince Syed and Afzal serve as job consultants. He assured her that he would introduce her to them, and they’ll get her a job. They took advantage of her need for the job and used it to exploit her.
Arbaaz called the victim, a resident of Ganesh Nagar in Indore to meet him at the city’s Bhanwarkua intersection. Afzal was also present there. Arbaaz reportedly texted the victim, “become my girlfriend. You fulfill my requirements, and I’ll satisfy yours. I’ll get you a job and make sure you make some additional money aside from your salary.” The woman chose to distance herself from Arbaaz and Afzal after reading the cheap text message.
A month later in August, Prince Syed texted the victim saying that there was a job opening. He fooled her by saying that the salary was very lucrative and that she would not even have to travel a lot as the office was close to her house.

Following that, on September 14, 2022, Prince summoned the girl to Regal Square. When she arrived, she was requested to sit in a car. Afzal, Arbaaz, and a driver named Syed were already in the car. The accused offered samosa and water to the victim. The girl felt dizzy and fainted after eating samosas. Following that, she was taken to a house in the city’s Vijayanagar colony, where Prince and Afzal urged her to have sex with them.

She even told them she was six months pregnant, the accused allegedly mocked her and replied, “everything is fair in Islam.” After mercilessly raping her, the accused threatened to kill her and her husband if she told anybody about the incident and then fled the scene. The terrified woman returned home but still gathered the courage to file the complaint.
How can anyone even think of attaining peace in so-called “Jannat” after raping a woman? Does their religion justify abusing and raping women?