Twitter handle of True Indology (@TlinExile), which used to take forward Hindu culture by posting content on Indian history, culture and civilisation and had more than 1 lac followed, was suspended after its account holder got into argument with IPS officer D. Roopa over the ban of firecrackers in many parts of the country during Diwali. Earlier a twitter handle @SquintNeon popular right-wing account that often took a jibe at liberal accounts had been deleted instantly. There are uncountable Right Wing twitter accounts, which voices Hindu culture, have been deleted, while Left Wing twitter handles get away even if they use abusive and filthiest language to target their opponent. It appears suspension of Right Wing twitter handles is business policy of Twitter.
Isn’t Twitter selling and imposing Left ideology unabashedly, in the the garb of providing a platform of 140 words to exercise “Freedom Of Speech by blocking Right Wing accounts and giving free hand to left liberal twitter handles?
Twitter, an America based microblogging social media site, came to India to do business. After displaying products on shelves and showing off their labels and contents, a business house offers complete freedom to its customers to choose the products they want to. But, Twitter is blatantly forcing its clients to buy left ideology by suspending Right Wing Twitter handles for no reason.
On 18 August 2018, in an interview with CNN Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey admitted that Twitter employees share a largely left-leaning bias after conservatives in America accused Twitter of discriminating against them on Twitter.
What is left ideology in India? Who are left liberals in India?
Left ideology in the world is to keep religion out of the government. Here in India, left ideology is to oppose and abuse anything which is related with Santan Dharma such as Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism. Left liberals malign and vilify anything that has link with Sanatan Dharma, but support Islam and Christianity unabashedly. For example, communist Cuba has banned beef, they support vegetarianism, but communist in Kerala celebrate beef festival, barbarously slaughter cow at full public view.
Left liberals in India go to the extent of breaking India and supporting terrorism by hailing hanged terrorists, who butchered innocent Indian. They shouted—भारत तेरे टुकड़े होंगे-इंशाल्लाह, इंशाल्लाह,.’ and ‘भारत की बर्बादी तक जंग रहेगीजारी, तुम कितने अफजल मारोगे हर घर से अफजल निकलेगा—which means, India will be broken into pieces – Inshallah, Inshallah, “and” the war will continue till India is ruined, how many Afzal would you kill, Afzal would come out of every house. Afzal Guru was a terrorist, who was responsible for terror attack in parliament in 2001.

When Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey visited India in November 2018, he didn’t mind to endorse left liberal media, who supported anti India slogan and activity in JNU. Jack Dorsey went ahead to display a poster condemning Brahmin. Is he even aware of Varna System in India? How can Twitter CEO follow blindly left liberal media without knowing their acts and background? Is it just because they are left liberals?
Why should an American company, Twitter make money in India by supporting anti India elements?
It is a welcome step that a man called Shrikant Sharma filed complaint with Madhya Pradesh Police to initiate action against the Managing Director of Twitter India, Manish Maheshwari, for suspending twitter handle of TrueIndology. The complain demand that twitter handle of True Indology be restored and MD of Twitter India be booked as he has been swift and ruthless to gag freedom of expression of True Indology.
Another Social Media Site Facebook follows the same policy to ban Facebook accounts to gag Hindu voices for 30 days or suspend the account forever.
This is how East India Company had stepped their foot in India in 1600 to do business. Gradually, Britishers started imposing their policies, muffling voices of native Indians to occupy Indian territories. Government of India must take firm actions against such foreign business houses, who tries to silence national voices.
Mahima Kaul, who is director of Twitter India and South Asia, doesn’t shy away to use the filthiest language for Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. One can imagine the agenda behind Social Media sites, which call themselves to be politically neutral.