Which is the one word, that frightens Left liberal cabal the most? It is COW. So how do they deal with their sense of fear. They start mocking everything that is associated with cow, be it cow urine, cow dung or its medicinal qualities to win over their fear. Secular eco system is scared of aware and assertive Hindus, who know how cow has been the foundation of their thousands years old civilisation.
Left liberal eco system is gripped by fear when a knowledgable Hindu explains cows have been backbones of Indian families since the beginning of human civilisation. Agriculture in India in those days could not have succeeded without cow. It is India’s civilisational duty to protect cows.

When it comes to protect cows, it is Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra—which is situated at Deolapar near Nagpur—comes to minds. Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra—which has in house “Kamdhenu Gaushala” with more than 700 cows—is cow-science research center. The institution focuses on research and development of every aspect of cow. “Cow or any bovine are made for each other,” says Sunil Mansinghka, its Chief Coordinator. Hence, “Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra” was founded in 1996 with a vision to develop indigenous or Indian Cow based way of life for farmers, agriculture & environment.

“Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra” highlights that continuous usage of chemicals and fertilizers on large scale is threatening the environment and endangering human lives. Therefore, at present, conservation of cow is need of society to protect environment and farming for coming generation.
Government of India also has played an important role to provide training to farmers from different parts of country and turned them towards organic farming making it economically viable. This is how those farmers were brought to main stream of economy.
Liberal logic is “unproductive cows are burden on farmers, therefore they must be slaughtered, which is an absolute propaganda.”
In Ayurveda, cow urine (Gomutra) occupies a sacred place and has been recognized as water of life or “Amrita (nectar).” Sunil Mansinghka, who is also a member of “Animal Welfare Board of India,” explains, “cow dung soap is best for skin problem. Natural complexion is maintained when cow dung soap is used.” He elaborates further, “people wrongly called ‘cow urine’ as waste, while it is like gold mine. Cow urine has lots of anti oxidants. It is anti allergy and full of nutrition.” Every day 80 litres of cow urine is collected from Kamdhenu Gaushala and brought toGo Vigyan laboratory,” where it is boiled and processed as cow urine ark. Hence, an unproductive cow is also source of income.

“Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra” has been researching continuously in collaboration with various renowned National Research Institutes such as NEERI, IARI, IVRI, VNIT, IICT, CICR, NBRI Institutes of Dermatology and AYUSH Ministry of GoI. Go Vigyan not only has developed a number of cow product based medicines to cure cancer, kidney ailment etc, but also has obtained patents from many countries like US and China including India.
Having employed more than 100 locals from near by villages, “Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra” has also set up a healthcare center for tribal and under privileged villagers at its Training & Research facility at Deolapar & Nagpur.
“Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra” gives a glimpse of how cow has been foundation of thousand years old civilisation and how human and cow are still interdependent on each other. Go Vigyan is where cows saved from cow smugglers by cow protectors are rehabilitated.

Does any religion encourages consumption of beef? Perhaps NO. Law in India doesn’t allow cow slaughter, however, cow slaughter is rampant illegally with an intention to hurt and wound thousands years old civilisation, which is supported eco system of left liberals and so called seculars. Therefore, when aware and assertive Hindus, who have knowledge of their history and civilisation, rise to reclaim pride in their roots, it start intimidating their eco system. And they end up mocking and belittling such proud Hindus, who bravely claim “cow is to be protected and revered.”