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When ‘Jai Shri Ram’ was written on the bench, the Christian teacher wiped the student’s face with whitener.


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In a distressing incident that has recently surfaced in Ghaziabad district, Uttar Pradesh, a student named Ishant Chauhan found himself at the center of controversy after allegedly being humiliated for writing ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on a desk. The incident, which took place on Monday, December 4, 2023, has ignited a firestorm of reactions and condemnation from various quarters.

Ishant Chauhan, the victim in this unfortunate incident, was reportedly subjected to public humiliation by having his face smeared with whitener in front of his classmates. This deplorable act was purportedly carried out by a female teacher named Manisha Masih (also known as Manisha Massey). The distressing nature of the incident has sparked widespread outrage, particularly among Hindu organizations, who have vehemently protested against this blatant act of disrespect and harassment.

According to media reports, this case is from Mussoorie police station area of ​​Ghaziabad. The victim student Ishank Chauhan studies in class 7 at Holy Trinity Church School here. On Monday, Ishank wrote ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on his desk. When class teacher Manisha Masih came to know about this, she got furious. It is alleged that Manisha applied whitener on Ishank’s face and made him sit among other students in the same condition. Ishank remained sitting in this condition for about an hour.

The act of smearing a student’s face with whitener, coupled with the humiliation suffered by Ishant Chauhan in front of his peers, is not only an affront to his dignity but also raises serious concerns about the environment within educational institutions. Schools are meant to be safe spaces that foster learning, respect, and inclusivity, and such incidents undermine these fundamental principles.

The subsequent dismissal of Manisha Masih in connection to this incident underscores the severity of the matter. However, it also prompts a deeper reflection on the need for sensitization and respect for diverse beliefs within our educational systems. Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping young minds and should serve as guiding figures, fostering an environment that embraces diversity and tolerance.

The incident in Ghaziabad serves as a stark reminder of the importance of fostering a culture of inclusivity and mutual respect in educational institutions. It calls for introspection on how instances of intolerance and disrespect are addressed within the educational framework.

Furthermore, it highlights the significance of upholding the rights and beliefs of individuals, irrespective of their religious or cultural affiliations. Respect for differing ideologies is a cornerstone of a harmonious society, and incidents that seek to demean or belittle individuals for their beliefs have no place in a pluralistic and tolerant society.


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