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New Delhi

The Kashmir files : A team which created an emotion that changed the Indian Cinema.


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Gratitude Appreciation, Admiration… all are due to the team of “The Kashmir Files” ! Yes…but more than that it has to be viewed from the perspective of being a historical moment in Indian Cinema !! Its a watershed moment where the robust narration of Hindu exodus was met with an overwhelming commercial success. The film is being carried on the shoulders of every Indian who feels shaken ,helpless and yet driven to set the records straight. Cinema has been a very powerful medium and Magnum Opuses even with their disclaimers have set a narrative in Indian psyche for years together.

A Mughal -E Azam makes us believe how benevolent Akbar was.. a Razia Sultan shows a conquerer who is more patriotic than the conquered .Such is the power of Cinema that people truly believe in the romance of Jodha Akbar !
Books have given way to visual medium and such docu drama as ” The Kashmir Files” are for posterity. My TL is full of reviews of this movie..there are young friends who are sponsoring shows… people who are giving away tickets as their contribution to this movement…. everyone that I know is publicizing the movie in their own capacity.

This movie needed a courage of conviction to be conceptualized and executed. Thereafter it needed the necessary impetus to reach to the masses. It has nailed on both the fronts. It has further paved the way for more such meaningful cinemas to be made and shown to the generations who have no clue about the magnitude of sufferings on Hindus because of a controlled agenda driven narrative.

I am glad the coming generations will see the truth in the correct perspective …. the producers won’t shy away from putting their money…the directors and writers will be more emboldened to bring forth the history….and we the dedicated warriors of Dharma will be their PR machinery….rather the aggregators for our children !

Such powerful times to live in…to be the change we want to see.


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