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The essence of Hinduism: Hindutva For Global Good Conference Day 2


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The “Hindutva for Global Good Conference” has been started with some exceptional debates filled with immaculate information about Hindutva, Hindus, the challenges we are facing, and solutions as well.

The conference is planned for the first week of October 2021 (October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd). It is an exciting journey of expostulation and rediscovery of an ancient way of life taught and propagated by the oldest religion of the world – Hinduism.

As Swami Vivekananda Ji once famously put it “No religion on earth preaches the dignity of humanity in such a lofty strain as Hinduism.”

This conference is just complementing the revered words Swami Vivekanand Ji, and the sole objective of this initiative is to transfuse and disseminate the amalgamation of Hindutva practices to the people across the World. of this churning.

Contrary to the claims of Pseudo Seculars and Anti-Hindutva forces, the Hindutva is indeed a pious doctrine, which is not binding and throws no compulsions to its follower. In fact, the Hindutva is the most balanced way of life which homogenized the external universe with the inner universe of an individual.

This conference is not only to enlighten the people about the unheard aspects of Hindutva, but it also gives a platform to the Hindutva warriors from different walks of life, who are putting forth strategies to counter the anti-Hindutva forces, in this war of civilization.

You can watch the live streaming of the second day of the Hindutva For Global Good Conference on this link.

Video Credit – Sangam Talks

Hindutva For Global Good Conference Day -2 Updates
The second day of The Hindutva for Global Good Conference was started by Dr. Milind Sathye, who is an Australian Academician and known for his regular presence in several Professional and Religious forums. He put his views on the topic of ‘Hindutva- Disinformation Campaigns by Foreign Media’. He shared some startling facts about the global disinformation campaigns against Hindutva and also suggested some remedies as well.

Then came Mr. Aditya Satsangi, who is a famous promoter of multiple renowned start-ups and Founder and Chairman of the Sattology Organization. He raised an extremely important concern and spoke on the topic ‘How Sanatan Dharma is wrongly presented/ taught in American Text Books’.

We are very much aware of how US universities are turning into centers of anti-Hindutva propaganda, and Aditya only put forth his experience with Academia and explained why Hindutva has been on their constant target. He explained why it is important to keep the anti-Hindutva agenda away from Academia and what kind of challenges we are going to face if this is not done aggressively.

The next speaker was Awanish K. Singh Ji, who is a Chairperson of Subhash Chandra Bose Group of Educational Institutions. He spoke on ‘Hindutva and its ethics – Relevance in the Modern world’ and explained how Hindutva is very much relevant in the modern era and how Hindutva could provide us answers to modern problems.

The next topic was extremely important, it was ‘Vedic Knowledge and Modern Science’ and to speak on such a revered topic we had Pankaj Jayswal, who is a seasoned MNC executive in Finland. He currently teaches a course on Happiness at the Art of Living and had authored several books and articles. He provided a deep insight into the role of Vedic Knowledge in modern science and how it can shape our Academia, which can help us develop better scholars.

The next speaker was Mini Srivastava, who is a law expert and
academician at Amity University Uttar Pradesh at Noida. She is a practicing Hindu and believes that Sanatan Dharma is essential for sustaining global peace and prosperity. She spoke on “Select Contemporary Global Challenges and Finding Answers”, and throw light on several aspects of problems Hindutva is witnessing today and how we can solve them.

The second day of the conference was concluded by Dr. K. Parameswaran is an Associate Professor of Law and Former Dean of Academics, GNLU, India. Who spoke on ‘Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, Spirituality & Hindutva: Interface with Indian Constitutional Law & Justice’. This was an important topic and his views on Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma enlightened the audience and offer an opportunity to learn a different perspective about the Hindutva.

Hindutva for Global Good conference will Stream Live on these Social Media Platforms:


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