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The Enemy is Ignorance


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If you can’t prevent the birth of an enemy, then you are yourself your own enemy.” This statement uttered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a great scientist in the field of consciousness, reveals the inner truth about conflict. All conflicts stem from ignorance, a lack of self-awareness.

Stress in National Consciousness

Every war has been fought for the alleged purpose of establishing a more secure and peaceful world. But wars have never been capable of abolishing negativity. Instead, wars have only led to more destruction, suffering, fear and anxiety in the world. Wars are born in the minds of men. If the leader of a nation is overshadowed by the build-up of stress, the inner mental tension will inevitably erupt and cause the emergence of inflammatory speech and actions. Wars erupt from the outbreak of burgeoning levels of stress and discontent in national consciousness. The leader of a nation is a reflection of the collective consciousness in the nation.

Build-up of Weapons

The build-up of weapons of mass destruction has never led to the creation of a more peaceful world. The decision to amass stockpiles of armaments to defend the nation is a decision based on fear and insecurity. The mad race for arms only indicates the escalating level of fear prevailing in the world. Any decision made on the basis of fear aggravates the political turmoil on the world stage. It increases discord in the family of nations. The result is a dangerous polarization of nations which leads to a disintegration of harmony, trust and cooperation.

Enemy is Our Approach

Have we not learned the lessons history has taught us? Do we not remember how warmongers like Napoleon and Hitler perished from their aggressive expansionist policies? Napoleon’s attempts to consolidate power in Europe created many enemies. The coalitions formed by his enemies caused his defeat. Similarly, Hitler’s defeat was inevitable due to the combined strength of many nations which overpowered his army. Even when a war has ended, the massive damage to human life and property can never be redressed. Do we want to repeat the same mistakes again? The real enemy is our approach, our way of thinking, our outdated tactics! In this age of electronic and nuclear capabilities, can the weapons of any nation save it from destruction?

All conflicts stem from ignorance, a lack of self-awareness. The basic incapacity of the mind caused by narrow vision leads to frustration and rising tension. The result is that one bursts out, as Maharishi says, in “revolt and aggression against everything around him and even against himself. In this way he makes the situation continuously worse and creates confusion and unhappiness.”

Barbara Briggs
Barbara Briggshttps://barbaraannbriggs.com/
Barbara Ann Briggs is a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, a poet and the author of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love, a novel of visionary fiction. For more information on her books, visit her website: https://barbaraannbriggs.com


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