Maharashtra’s Uddhav Thackeray Government has been on a downhill road, the day since they have assumed power in the state. They have been stuck in countless issues, they are failing on almost all government and administration front. They are in public ire for their several misadventures in recent times, be it haphazard investigation of Sushant Singh murder case, be it the brutal killing of Hindu Sadhus in Palghar, or their personal vendetta against Arnab and Kangana.
Uddhav Thackeray is doing anything to please his partners Congress and NCP. Few people have rechristened the Shiv Sena as ‘Sonia Sena’ as well, as it is the Congress which is considered as the party which brings the arch-rivals Shiv Sena and NCP together.
A fresh instance is the celebration of Children’s Day on November 14, the Maharashtra state education department has asked schools in the state to celebrate Children’s week between November 8 and 14.

As part of the initiative, schools have to conduct activities and upload photographs of celebrations conducted online. During the week, various competitions such as essay writing, elocution, and video making will be organized for students by the schools.
Now, if one can see the circular in detail, you will find how obsessed Thackeray Government is with Nehru, all the weeklong activities are based on Nehru. Maharashtra Government has made it compulsory for the students and teachers to participate in these activities. Don’t you think, Thackeray Government is doing all this to please their partner Congress and its leadership, that is Gandhi Family?
We are not shocked and surprised with this sudden transition of Thackeray Government, we knew it right from that day one, that they are using Hindu lineage to milk the votes of Hindus, in reality, they are Pseudo seculars and pro communist and islamist in nature.