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Tag: United States


After Texas incident it’s clear Pakistan is a state sponsor of terror

Just under a week ago a British-Pakistani gunman identified as Muhammad Siddiqui entered a Colleyville, Texas synagogue, holding the rabbi and two congregants hostage...

A contrasting tale of Two Democracies : Fighting Collectively in Unison Vs Fighting for its Survival Vis-à-vis Imperialist Neo Nazi Communist Party of China

The general honest Australian question seeking answers in good faith for the origins of pandemic and how another one can be prevented in...

Afghanistan – The American Waterloo moment after Vietnam

The United States military forces left its key base 'Bagram Airfield' in the dead of night without informing Afghan Government in Kabul. The ignominious...

NEXUS OF BIG TECH / MEDIA / OPPOSITION WITH CHINA : A threat to India’s Democracy & Civilizational Existence

NEXUS OF BIG TECH / MEDIA / OPPOSITION WITH CHINA : A threat to India's Democracy & Civilizational Existence

Hinduphobia: Latest cog in the wheels of liberals

While the deep rooted toxic and propagandist hatred for Hindus and Hindu culture is not new in India, a vexed and sinister form of...