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Hinduphobia: Latest cog in the wheels of liberals


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While the deep rooted toxic and propagandist hatred for Hindus and Hindu culture is not new in India, a vexed and sinister form of Hinduphobia has gripped the western world ostensibly orchestrated by the so called rights groups and an unholy nexus of secular liberal cabal.

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) passed by the Indian Parliament last year became an eye of storm with vested interests in cahoots with religious extremist and fanatic mobs going on a rampage in the country, pelting stones at police and security personnel and indulging in arsons and mayhem. This despite the government and the Home Minister and Prime Minister of India repeatedly appealing people not to spread or believe in rumours as the CAA has nothing to do with the genuine Muslim residents of India and no clause of the act seeks to divest them of their legitimate right to citizenship of India. As we were struggling hard to convince 125 crore Indians about the significance and necessity of the Act, there were concerted attempts to foment troubles and destabilise the elected government of India from abroad. Instead of dousing the flames of communalism, they were fanning religious sentiments to provoke Muslim minorities in India to take to the streets and resort to gruesome violent attacks and then play victim card to tarnish the image of the Indian government internationally.

In Seattle, United States, The Alliance for Justice and Accountability (AJA), an umbrella organization of progressive South Asian groups across the United States in coordination with the local Seattle community, on Monday lauded the City Council of Seattle for having unanimously passed Resolution 31926 denouncing India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). The CAA was dubbed as ‘’draconian’’ and was perceived as ‘’ an existential threat to India as a pluralist, democratic society.’’ Council member Kshama Sawant said, “By approving this resolution, the city council will go on the record opposing religious persecution and Islamophobia, the discrimination, scapegoating and oppression of Muslims, poor people and marginalized communities by the Hindu fundamentalist regime of the Bharatiya Janata Party or the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”

Similarly, in an article published in The Washington Post, Suparna Chaudhry, an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Director of the Reiff Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution at Christopher Newport University, alleged that India’s new citizenship law may leave millions of Muslims without citizenship and that the Modi government is trying to create a Hindu nation. Both these above instances prove how some Indians living in the US and associated with various academic and civil society organisations are acting as sleeper cells of leftists, anti national anti India lobby and assisting them with a larger objective of Hinduphobia to keep their cauldrons of hate against Hindus perpetually boiling.

Very recently, on 23rd July 2020,  San Francisco became the sixth US city to pass a resolution denouncing India’s contentious Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), 2019 and the National Register of Citizens (NRC). Similar resolutions have already being passed earlier by Seattle, Albany, St Paul, Hamtramck and Cambridge. Terming the Indian government as “Hindu nationalist”, the council meeting also noted that the laws were “discriminatory to Muslims, caste oppressed, women, indigenous peoples and the LGBTQ community”.

Now the question arises, What do these fringe rights groups and minority sympathisers have to do with the domestic policies of a country? Why are they hell bent upon impinging on the sovereignty of our country by interfering in its internal matters? What are there intentions and at whose behest are they propagating their nefarious and slanderous agenda of Hinduphobia by vitiating the communal atmosphere of India?

The answer to this question lies in the parties that are in power in US and India, ie, The Republican Party and the BJP respectively. Being nationalist and right wing parties and both Donald Trump and Narendra Modi sharing excellent personal rapport with both of them being on same page on issues of Islamic Fundamentalism and Terrorism, the alliance of evil comprising of liberal intellectuals and so called public spirited activists of both the countries are rattled as they fear that their well oiled ecosystem might break down for ever and their propaganda peddling machinery would capsize in the sea of venom which they spew against Hindus.

Its high time that Hindus of USA and India alike rise to the occasion and call out this blatant, brazen and macabre conspiracy to subjugate and marginalise Hindus in their own land by attempting to destabilise their democratically elected government with a mandate to work for nationalist cause by mounting unjust and uncalled for international pressure and smearing the image of India on the global platforms. Diabolical machinations to diminish the democratic, secular, tolerant and pluralist progressive credentials of India must be resisted with an iron fist! Enough is enough!


City Council of Seattle Passes Resolution Denouncing CAA, NRC; AJA Welcomes the Move


‘Inconsistent with India’s Constitution’ — San Francisco 6th US city to denounce CAA-NRC


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