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Tag: #Sanatan


Dharma Khsetra KurukShetra – Part II = Jyotisar – Midpoint of the Kurukshetra War – Birth Place of Geeta.

'Jyoti' means light and 'Sar' means the core meaning. Hence the name of place is a reference to the 'core meaning of light' or...

Starting the Dharma Kshetra KurukShetra Trail – Part I – Sannihit Sarovar

It was the 10th Day of the Kurukshetra War & Guru Dronacharya has passed & Anga Raj Karna appointed the Commander in Chief of...

The Saviour of Hinduism ,Guru Adi Shankracharya.

Sankara was an infant prodigy. The superior genius and the extraordinary intelligence were clearly sprouting in him even when he was a kid. This...

Navagrahas and their dhanya(food)

All forms of nature are believed to interact and influence one another, be they are of this earth, or of space. This interaction and...

Realise the spiritual power of innerself

Sit calmly in any place. Take a moment to pay attention to something. Rock, tree, hill, sky, building, anything that is in your sight....

Laamor Baat ,A Sanatan tradition followed in Manipur

This is 'Laamor Baat', an offering of food to the ancestors and departed souls, seeking their blessings - celebrated this day, every year. This...