16.1 C
New Delhi

Tag: Narendra Modi


क्या इस बार चीन को ‘आर्थिक सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक’ से ध्वस्त करेगा भारत?

पिछले दिनों लद्दाख में LAC पर चीनी सेना द्वारा प्रायोजित हमले में 20 भारतीय जवान बलिदान दे गए, साथ में वे अपने से दुगनी...

Aatmanirbhar Bharat: India’s Economic Response To China

It is often said that good economics makes good politics.  Politics and economics are intricately intertwined to each other, much like a cause effect...

5 Reasons Why China is on Backfoot and can’t afford War with India

20 soldiers including a Colonel gave their lives for India, while Army sources have said they believe some 45 Chinese soldiers were killed and...