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New Delhi

Tag: Modi


YES We will hit you back – Indian Defense Forces are ready than never before

India successfully flight tested a locally made anti-radiation missile from its air force’s Sukhoi combat jet that has the capability to suppress enemy air defence effectively,...

येन जनानि कृषकः कदापि स्मरण न आगतवान अद्य निर्मयतु हितैषीम् – पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी: ! जिन लोगों को किसान कभी याद नहीं आए आज...

जनसंघस्य संस्थापक पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्यायस्य जयंतीयाम् पीएम मोदी: अकथयत् तत सः स्व विचारम् यत् कालम् रचयति स्म सः तम् कालखण्डस्य तुलनायाम् बहु प्रासंगिकमस्ति !...

Aatmanirbhar (Self-reliance) Bharat

Self-reliance (आत्मनिर्भरता) refers to a person's condition that he not depend on another person for any work. Self-reliance is a positive word, it is...

BIG NEWS : Modi Govt to amend FCRA act – Game Over for Foreign Funded Public Servants and NGO’s !!

In an important development, the Modi Government has proposed amendments to FCRA, which will bar the Public servants from receiving any foreign funds. It...

Massive drop in Terrorism since the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu & Kashmir

On 5th August last year, Modi Government abrogated the infamous Article 370 and Article 35 A in Jammu and Kashmir. The erstwhile state was...

Big News – Thousands of Indian Army Officers got permanent Citizenship of J&K

On 5th August 2019, the history and future of Jammu and Kashmir was changed forever. Until last year, state of Jammu and Kashmir enjoyed...