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New Delhi

Tag: Modi


Snakes are now slithering out of Thames

BBC is no holy Cow Under normal circumstances one would not respond or react to an organization which matters little to people in my country...

Do you want to see India as a great nation?

"We all have to vote like our lives and the world depend on it, because they do. The only way to be certain of...

Why India needs a new symbol – Dandaa (stick)

‘Talent is nothing without dedication and discipline, and discipline is a talent in itself’                                                                               Luke Campbell It was heartening to read on the front page of...

Value education through volunteering for armed forces – The Agniveers

Armed forces are respected as the most reliable, honest and disciplined organization in our country. Their loyalty and commitment to the nation cannot be...

Jammu & Kashmir – Modi Government Opens Land & Housing To Every Citizen Of India

The Modi Government and the J&K administration have finally opened the Land and Housing for every citizen of India. They have recently held a...

A Misguided Narrative about Hindus and Hindutva

Recently, a political leader made a disparaging remark about Hindutva. When poisoning the caste system fails, a new strategy is devised to make Hindus...