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New Delhi

Tag: Covid-19


HMPV outbreak in China – Is another Ghost of Covid-19 ready to haunt the World?

Hands chapped, people locked inside their homes. This is a memory of the Covid-19 pandemic that has remained entrenched in the psyches of many...

Rising death rate proves how Ramzan played a fatal role to spread deadly Coronavirus

Rising number of deaths from Covid-19 during month-old Ramzan proved how community members sacrificed people’s health and lives to observe Ramzan and to celebrate...

A deadly and devastating Covid-19, pandemic: How it changed our way of living!

It is the second time, when Covid-19 forced humans to cage themselves in their homes like birds and animals in zoos, because the second...

Be positive during Covid – 19

The deadly pandemic of the century, worse than the economic crisis in 1929 -30 is testing our patience and determination. From my experience I...

हस्तिनापुरात् उत्तर प्रदेश प्राप्तम् जनानां भविष्यति कोरोना इति अन्वेषणम् ! दिल्ली से UP आने वाले लोगों का होगा कोरोना टेस्ट !

फोटो साभार ANI राष्ट्रीय राजधानीयाम् कोरोना विषाणु इत्यस्य बर्धयेत् प्रकरणानां दृष्टया उत्तर प्रदेश सर्कारम् रविवासरम् अकथयत् तत हस्तिनापुरात् उत्तर प्रदेश प्राप्तम् जनानि कोविड-१९ इति अन्वेषणेन...

जी-२० इति शिखर सम्मेलने सम्मिलित: पीएम मोदी: ! जी-20 शिखर सम्‍मेलन में शामिल हुए पीएम मोदी !

फोटो साभार ANI सऊदी अरबस्य अध्यक्षतायां द्वय दिवसीय जी - २० इति शिखर सम्मेलनम् २१ नवम्बर इत्यात् आरम्भयते,यस्मिन् प्रधानमंत्री: नरेंद्र मोदी: वीडियो कान्फ्रेंसिंग इत्यस्य माध्यमेन...